Yesterday started out so good. My Hubby had left the house early for meetings so I could blast music as loud as I wanted. My girls did their schoolwork with out fussing and I did all the baking and cooking I needed to do.
When Hubby can home at lunch his meal was cooked and desert was made--the girls had finished their school work and I had accomplished a ton of house work.--after some computer time the girls and left for our weekly time volunteering at an after school program--its about 2 hours time we put in once a week. Most of the time it is fun and goes by fast but yesterday was not one of those times- there is this one 2nd grade girl who really likes my 13 daughter and hangs out with her most of the time that she is there--yesterday this 2nd grade girl was real clingy and when F helped out another boy with his shoelace this 2nd grade girl jumped F while she was kneeling as she tied the boy's shoe--I was across the gym when I saw this and needless to say I ran to F's side as fast as I could ( I did impress a few 3rd grade boys with my speed---they told me later that they did not think any one as old as I was could run that fast) As I got to F this 2ndgrade girl was just about to sink her teeth in F's back--I yanked her off F's back and screamed for the lady who runs the program--handed her the child and took F out of the room--F was upset==she thought she was in trouble and she was just plain surprise by the jumping and the almost biting--then I went in and got my older daughter and we went home--before I did that though F did talk to the director and some other volunteers filled her in also on what happened--I left it up to her to deal with the child and the child's mom--came home and Hubby had just gotten off the phone after 1&1/2 hour call with his mom--most of it was fighting, so he was real grouchy and I guess I was suppose to cheer him up--I listened for a while--it is the same old stuff with his mom and it is his job to deal with it as far as I am concerned--the women hates me and I do my best to avoid her so this is all in his court--he got mad at me when I said this to him but it is not the first time I said it to him and I do not care how he gets--he needs to deal with it not me. and so ended a day that started out so good
Now today started out ok--my leg hurts a lot when I get up but the pain ceases much quicker now--I found that walking around as I drink my coffee and eat my oatmeal helps a lot--girls finished their schoolwork fairly quick and then we went to the library and then I went to sears optical--I need stronger reading glasses but once again my insurance info does not match what the computer told the lady at sears so I left sears without new glasses--I get to hassle with my insurance tomorrow--what fun--did get the girls a few presents and stopped at the store for food on the way home--got home--the girls went to a friend's house so I thought Hubby and I could use the time wisely but nooooooooooo --he stayed on the phone with a friend the whole time--even though he is going away with that friend on Friday--which I thought (but was wrong) was the day we were going to do something--so there was no having any bed fun here today--he then picked 2 fights with the girls when they came home --so we all have been avoiding him--wish we had somewhere we could go--it would be nice to go somewhere and have fun--can not wait till this day is over