О "попрошайках" или о том, стоит ли давать милостыню..

Feb 12, 2011 00:23

Прочитала статью знакомого моей подруги - о Питерских "попрошайках"-ужаснулась!!! :(((

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Comments 7

budhist_milf February 12 2011, 17:45:16 UTC
There no social services to speak of in Russia. So, people, police do whatever they want. Kids are thrown out of their families all the time so they end up like that.

Do not feel bad....you really can;t do anything by yourself. I do not know if there any organizations in Russia that are trying to do anything. Probably not. A life of the child, an old person or an animal does not worth much. It is not something that can be changed in 20 years.
IF you read about 19th century America, it used to be just like that.


sannichka February 12 2011, 18:10:16 UTC
вы смотрели *Slum Dog millionaire*. там об этом. мне хотелось плакать после просмотра этого фильма и было так удивительно, что в ревью было написано, какой это оптимистичный фильм...


leyzerovich February 12 2011, 18:29:27 UTC
я абсолютно в том же уверяю всех своих друзей здесь - не подавать нищим! никогда. не потому что я думаю что за ними кто-то стоит еще (может да, может нет, пофиг), да и с детьми тут никто не сидит - тут же отберут соцслужбы, а потому что как только мы перестанем поддерживать лентяев они тут же пойдут работать - просто никуда не денутся. одним бесплатным супом в день сыт не будешь. на рождественские праздники видел в СФ на улице чувака лет 20ти с табличкой: моя мама умерла надо доехать до [какого-то там штата]. при этом он наигрывал что-то весёленькое на своей "балалайке". через неделю он сидел там же но уже с другой табличкой, опять куда-то надо было. и это сволочи дают! именно сволочи, потому что ими движет не желание помочь, а желание купить себе индульгенцию центов за пятьдесят. а реально они загоняют людей в гроб. вообщем-то то о чём автор и пишет.
пы.сы. к уличным артистам сие не относится


budhist_milf February 13 2011, 04:45:58 UTC
If it was only the lazy people. 1/3 to 2/3 are mentally ill and in US, it is easier for a mentally ill to get a gun than medical help.

Who would hire someone who has no address or call back number?

We need to be realistic.

I give food. Is someone is truly in trouble they take it. Fakes push it away.


leyzerovich February 13 2011, 06:54:14 UTC
"it is easier for a mentally ill to get a gun than medical help" - regardless of this statement being true or false, it still doesn't mean that it's hard for a mentally ill to get medical help. I kinda suspect that if someone is mentally ill and wants to get help he would. I am also not sure about 1/3 to 2/3 stats, some of them do look mentally ill because they are high on something, and that something we purchased with money people gave them. in any case, I never said not to help anyone, I was talking specifically about giving money away to people and feeling good about it.


budhist_milf February 13 2011, 07:01:36 UTC
I agree with you about the money completely.

I work in health care so....I happened to know.
Drug and alcohol addiction is often a component of mental illness.

I have college degree, we have medical insurance and I speak English.And still getting appropriate help for one of my children who has mental illness was very very had. So, believe me, when I say it is hard to get mental health care it is hard. It is also very hard to commit someone in US. Year ago committing someone was too easy and it was often used by family member for less than savory purposes. Well, the pendulum swung a bit far since. Now, unless you are a clear danger to yourself or others, regardless of how crazy you behavior is, not one can force you into a mental hospital. And even then...it is just 72 hours commitment. Some counties are changing it with things such as "Lora's Law"


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