During WWII, the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto were allotted a caloric intake of about 650-800 per day. In the concentration camps, the inmates were lucky if they received 600 calories a day. The food was supplemented with nutritional wonders like saw dust and air. Malnutrition was an understatement and along with it came a weaken immune system and
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Comments 5
On a sidenote, I've eaten organic apples and sadly, they don't give me that semi-orgasmic experience. Dammit! Actually, not a single fruit in existence would make me feel that way.
On the other hand, homemade bread and gourmet chocolate - yup. I'm all over that. ^_~
This was a very thoughtful post. You're so HOT. <33333
But yeah, the fruit is also bigger with less nutrients - the bigger the fruit, the more the flavor has to defuse and the less taste. Big oranges are usually tasteless and often dry.
I just find it infuriating that I have to pay triple the price to taste my food. WTF?
I write posts like this to make you hot. That's my ulterior motive ;)
Organic food's expensive, but it's worth it, and yay! for the farmer's market that's up and running again this month. A couple of months ago I cut out processed foods completely, especially anything with high fructose corn syrup, and switched over to everything organic. And now I've planted a garden. So here's hoping. I definitely do feel better, though. :)
Have you read Michael Pollan's books?
Our farmer's market should be opening now as well. I love to go there, but the only good one is in a snooty section of the city. I've witnessed grown adults fighting over a 50 cent onion and then drive off in their BMW.
I've also cut out processed foods and anything with HFCS. I felt wonderful when I switched to organics. I have a hard time buying only organics because the gluten-free crap costs so much and my food budget goes way over what I can afford. I ended up re-arranging my entire budget to make food the priority. I'm a bit worried with food prices and gas rising though =P I really wish I had a little plot of land to grow a garden. No land with the condo. Hopefully when I move that will change.
I've not read Michael Pollan yet, but I've heard a lot about him on the news lately. I'm going to put his book on my Amazon list.
Haven't heard from you in forever! How's it going?
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