
May 12, 2015 20:47

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Comments 161

currynana May 12 2008, 13:50:31 UTC
*in robotic voice*
Hehehe, btw, im not so sure...should i add you here or the tabai@LJ one? :D


catskilt May 12 2008, 13:53:59 UTC
If you added me here, it would be adding me so to speak. Tabai is mine and Rissa's fanfic journal, haha. But you can also add tabai if you wanna keep track of updates or something. I leave it up to you!


currynana May 12 2008, 14:04:21 UTC
ah which would be the right choice. heehe
*adds* :)


aphrokittee May 17 2008, 16:41:30 UTC
hi hi! mi wan 2 b fren wid u can? hahaX. x3


catskilt May 26 2008, 13:32:43 UTC
Hon...I don't know if you're aware of this but you were my first LJ friend.


jojibear May 27 2008, 20:48:45 UTC
Heh. That's why I've f-locked my LJ - to stop nosy school friends from finding out about my life >3< They can be so annoying most of the times, starting rumours about "how I'd insulted someone in our year" -rolls eyes-

Friend? ^w^ -adding-


catskilt May 28 2008, 13:27:53 UTC


fairy_illusions June 8 2008, 08:06:24 UTC
Hi, mind if friend? And can I tack on an extra request?
I kind of wrote a Nishikato fanfic for the Ryoshige-thon. Would you mind skimming it over for errors and my immensely poor grammar usage?

Ahh I'm so troublesome right? XP


catskilt June 8 2008, 08:20:08 UTC
Of course I don't mind you friending me! :)

And sure, I'll definitely skim over it for errors. How do you want to send me the file?


fairy_illusions June 8 2008, 08:32:18 UTC
Whatever way works best for you. I typed it up on microsoft word.
I can email or msg it. :]


amaikoryori June 11 2008, 16:11:58 UTC
I am wondering why I did not decide to friend you sooner. :x I am fail. :x

Hi, I am Ari or amaikoryori. Let me see... I like your writing; you're 2 days older than me and uh, I like NewS and Kanjani8... and I am also friends with w_ryoku.

I don't know what else to say but yoroshiku ne! :Dv


catskilt June 12 2008, 12:39:47 UTC
Hi Ari! :) Those are definitely reasons enough for us to be friends :P

Friended ♥


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