Feather 8 - 100 % Droned

Jul 04, 2011 19:40

[Ahh, the life of a simple housecat. Nall’s needs are now exceedingly simple: Eat, sleep, and be contrary. Easy peasy ( Read more... )


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Comments 44

( action B ) pokeay July 5 2011, 02:31:56 UTC
[ he'll happily share some of his food in return for being able to pet Nall a few times! ]


catslooklikeme July 5 2011, 02:53:35 UTC
[Alright, food! Nom nom nom! Kitty!Nall appreciates this and gladly allows you to pet him! In fact, if you stop, he'll butt his head against your hand and encourage you to continue!]


pokeay July 5 2011, 03:19:01 UTC
You're pretty friendly, huh...? [ and Dia continues petting him, alternating between feeding himself and feeding scraps to Nall. ] You don't have a collar, huh... I wonder what your name is...


catslooklikeme July 5 2011, 03:45:46 UTC
[Of course Nall is friendly, you have FOOD and you're SHARING. But besides that, you seem like a pretty nice kid, you don't pet his fur the wrong way or stroke him too hard. You're alright. Nall hops up into your lap and sits, contently purring like a car engine.]


A - 50% droned ooeeooahah July 5 2011, 04:06:06 UTC
[ Ilsa notices the cat sunning himself on the chaise. The patio in back of the house gets a good bit of sun. After a few moments, she opens a can of tuna, turns it out into a bowl, and fills another bowl with water. ]

[ She quietly opens the door, and sets the bowls on the stoop, and goes back inside, watching the cat. ]

[ Only... that's not a cat, is it? ]


catslooklikeme July 5 2011, 12:11:46 UTC
[Nall's ears perk up at the sound of the door opening and at the sight of the tuna and water he slowly rises, stretching out, and leaps gracefully down to start nomming on the tuna. Mmm, Nall's favorite!]


ooeeooahah July 5 2011, 13:11:27 UTC
[ She sits at the table, watching through the open door. ]

[ Part of her memories tell her this is the neighborhood cat. Not belonging to anyone, but everyone takes care of him. ]

[ But then there is a portion of her that sees what he truly is, all of the energy forms laid over this small furry body. Nall. ]

[ So she quietly sits watching, and struggling to put the proper memory set in the forefront. ]


catslooklikeme July 5 2011, 14:04:10 UTC
[Nall polishes off the tuna in record time and laps at the water some before stretching out again. He's about to go back to sunning himself when he notices that the door is open...

So he trots over, hesitating at the doorline, peering in at the house and at Ilsa, like he's asking, "Is it ok? You won't chase me out with a broom?"]


[D] Oh god... kitty!Nall so cute... but so sad at the same time... allnaturalmagic July 5 2011, 07:48:36 UTC
[Terra is momentarily distracted from her conflicting memories when she hears the yowl. She kneels to investigate the spot that the noise came from.]


I knoooow... catslooklikeme July 5 2011, 12:13:11 UTC
[Nall's growling ceases momentarily as he sees Terra approach. His ears stand straight up as his eyes fixate on her. What's she gonna do?]


Re: I knoooow... allnaturalmagic July 7 2011, 04:34:15 UTC
[She's going to make soothing noises and try to pet the kitty, of course. At least this doesn't make her head hurt.]


catslooklikeme July 7 2011, 04:41:47 UTC
[Nall sniffs at Terra's hand a moment. Yep, familiar scent, it's all good. Except for the loud noises of course... He crawls closer to her, butting his head against her hand if she pauses petting him.]


action c. failbert July 5 2011, 08:25:43 UTC
[ .....


Gilbert is now almost flipping the picnic table over as he scrambles up to try and get at least TEN FEET AWAY.



catslooklikeme July 5 2011, 12:14:35 UTC
[Nall... stops eating his prize and STARES at you, Gil.

Because you?

Have just become MUCH more interesting. He turns slowly and fixes his eyes on you, taking just one step closer...]


failbert July 5 2011, 21:44:41 UTC
[BACKING UP backing up oh god it's going to attack.

It's going to be a vicious man-eating cat attack oh god ]

Stay ... away...


catslooklikeme July 5 2011, 22:46:29 UTC
[That was an invitation, right? Right? Sure sounded like one! Nall trots on over and sits at your feet.]


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