* Apart from always having her in my party because I lo~ve the Crono/Marle/Lucca trio, I'm kind of ambivalent about Marle. I guess I like her, but ever since reading that fic where she goes batshit crazy and burns down Lucca's house and kills her family I've always been a bit wary.
* I just ship her with Crono.
* Frog, for sure.
* Like I mentioned, my views on her have been tainted by terrible fanfic.
* A better name transliteration, seriously. Nadia -> Marle doesn't make much sense, while Maarudia -> Maaru does. I 'unno, it's always kind of bothered me.
* I wish I knew how to properly use her and Malak, since apparently if you know how they kick ass as characters. Unfortunately though the two of them usually just sit around to rot because I never actually bother leveling them. Rafa's got some serious guts, though.
* I don't ship her with anyone, but I'm not sure if her brother would even let her date anyone. Maybe some incest going on there? It's not like she's had a healthy sexual life up until that point, what with being repeatedly molested/raped. If I were to ship her with anyone it would probably be some random party member, as long as they were sweet and caring and loving and could devote themselves emotionally and physically to her.
* Malak, of course.
* I think a lot of people don't like her, but I think she's fine.
* I wish she and Malak had more follow-up after their part in the game somehow. Or that she were easier to use effectively.
Comments 12
* I just ship her with Crono.
* Frog, for sure.
* Like I mentioned, my views on her have been tainted by terrible fanfic.
* A better name transliteration, seriously. Nadia -> Marle doesn't make much sense, while Maarudia -> Maaru does. I 'unno, it's always kind of bothered me.
* No one romantically, but I kind of would be okay with her fucking everyone.
* Scuzzy! Theirloveissopure. I mean, look at this. Adorable.
* Oh god White Hex. Her mouth. She looked like she was going to EAT everyone. *shudder*
* She had the best ending her character could have asked for, but I still wish she hadn't been deleted. I definitely sobbed first time through.
* I don't ship her with anyone, but I'm not sure if her brother would even let her date anyone. Maybe some incest going on there? It's not like she's had a healthy sexual life up until that point, what with being repeatedly molested/raped. If I were to ship her with anyone it would probably be some random party member, as long as they were sweet and caring and loving and could devote themselves emotionally and physically to her.
* Malak, of course.
* I think a lot of people don't like her, but I think she's fine.
* I wish she and Malak had more follow-up after their part in the game somehow. Or that she were easier to use effectively.
* Haha... Rose, definitely, and maybe Cap'n Jack too. Also the Master. Definitely not Martha, though. I don't like Martha.
* Donna. Donna Donna Donna Noble.
* I don't know if I have an unpopular opinion, other than I love Tenth/Rose. Glad that worked out in its own awesome way.
* A better ending... It was pretty tragic.
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