So for once a non-visceral non attacking post which has as its topic, Hillary Clinton.
some personal details but realize that they end with a point.
Well everybody heard about the part where she said something about ducking gunfire and running for cover when she got off AirForce one in Serbia I think it was. Of course every one from AP to Fox News jumped on the story and had well placed sources who stated beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hillary was never put in harms way as First Lady and certainly never had to duck for cover from gunfire in Serbia. At the time, my thoughts were, what shameless self promotion! and I was glad that the press called her out on the fabrication. I am a partisan MF-er who sincerely dislikes most of the policies that true Democrats stand for and to watch one get lambasted is as sweet as the tears of a unicorn. ;-) SEGUE!!!!!
When I was about 15 or so, My older bro graduated from a (shit)town highschool as Valedictorian of his class, homecoming king, mr golden boy yada yada. He had fought hard for and accepted Senator John McCain's nomination to the United States Military Academy at West Point to further cement this image as "the example you should follow". As the Arizona State Historian and Poet Laureate Marshall Trimble was from the same (shit) town as my brother graduated, and as Marshall's own son was a West Point Senior Cadet at the time, Marshall graciously drove up from Phx to present the graduation diploma and speak at the graduation (I think there were twelve students in the class so very small compared to PHX schools) My Pops particularly enjoyed the opportunity to invite Marshall and other folks to our ranch afterwards for a celebration barbecue complete with grilled bratwurst and grey poupon both of which I still love. It was here that Marshall showed his true colors. Marshall is known (aptly so) for being the consummate story teller. Every story has a twist, no story too small to avoid being dressed up with a Paul Bunyan esque flourish to make it entertaining. Marshall regaled the gathering for a full four hours discussing everything under the sun and always having at the end of his fantastic old guy stories, a moral of the story or a snappy ending which was unique and cool. Marshall was one cool fella and left us all wanting more when he jetted for his trip back down to the valley.
I like to think that at the time, I was fairly reserved(at least compared to now) and I will admit a bit rough on the edges when it came to social skills. As my best bud from that general time period can tell you (Tawny), I had quite a bit of growth ahead of me. My brothers would perhaps be a bit more harsh than he would. ;-) bring it you hateful bastards(rofl)
One thing I took away from my experience with Marshall was that people who can be entertaining, and tell stories that mean something,
1. Keep peoples attention,
2. Grab peoples fascination,
3. Enjoin admiration
and finally create fans and friends wherever they go. This was all done through the art of story telling and the topics were of normal every day life but always with that little twist. This was a a beautiful quality that I wanted for myself. I wanted to be like mike.. err Marshall.
It was at this point that I started my habit that those of you who hang out with me regularly are probably sick of and that is the creation of my daily/weekly dramatic hyped up story. Some of you over the years have heard the same stories billions of times. Every telling over the week of the story telling gets a little more hype or some small detail thrown in for effect so that at the end of the week the actual story itself is significantly less interesting than the myth it grows into.
So segue back to Hillary. As a died in the wool conservative on most issues there are very few that issues that Hillary and I agree on in the public arena. Publicly I hate the woman(at least politically) However when I re-analyze the nature of her story about ducking for cover, I see in it, the nature of an entertaining, albeit hyped up story, which had as its purpose a point or a moral. I feel that this particular story in retrospect should have been given the credit it deserved, and seen as a means to the moral and thus not as heinous a gaff as it was mad eout to be. ok novel over. thanks for reading