I think Mother's Day may have put a damper on the foot traffic today as people spend time with their families. It's been fun having people in and my studio will never be this clean again.
Two quick photos added to flicker:
1 Six small acrylics that as a group are part of what I think of as Another Cancer Memoir. More background about that below.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/26655976@N07/7191336268/in/photostream Another Cancer Memoir
I once heard a reviewer refer to a book as “another cancer memoir”. There are probably as many cancer memoirs that could be told as there have been patients.
These six paintings could be thought of as part of my cancer memoir, more particularly of the 35 radiotherapy sessions I had in 2010 for tonsil cancer.
The treatment involves wearing a closely fitted thermoplastic mask that’s bolted to the table so the patient doesn’t move, a surefire way to awaken anyone’s latent claustrophobia. There was a lot of time to think under there. And as time went on there were a lot of side effects, including radiation burn.
I tried to visually express my reactions to the treatment, the individual under the mask and what happens to identity when it’s submerged, whether it be due to fighting a disease or some other demand for effacement life hands us.
2 A studio shot with two recent mixed media pieces.