Hey guys! Gotta love the reasonably regular updates of summer.
So what happened in the last update? Well, Xylem, Phloem and Palisade are all childern and Vyn is pregnant for the last time from an auto-woohoo. I am favouring the twins loads *cough*. We've met some more of my 'hood creepers, namely the tinkering woman who watches the children sleep and some random man who watched their birthday parties through the glass frontdoor. Sci proved to us he was terrible at yoga and cooking, as we've had 2 fires in 2 updates. Vyn's pregnancy hormones are really coming to the foreground, what with her hating on Sci's career reward and then promptly jumping in a puddle. And so, on with the show!
We begin with Palisade hugging a robber. Oh no wait, that's Sci in his new work outfit. He is a juggler (obviously).
More importantly though, BABY TIME!
Vyn: Where is SciOWWWWWWWWWW.
Hey Sci, wanna get your butt out of the kitchen to go support your wife during labour?
Sci: Not really D: I'm busy .. er .. cleaning the sink!
Go help your wife now mister!
Vyn: Fine, if he won't come to me I'll take the baby to him.
Right on sister! ...Wait, don't sims only give the baby to their partner when there's twi--
Oh for the love of all that is holy. I don't want more twins! I'm not even cheesecaking you, so this is the 2nd set of natural twins produced by Vyn.
Baby boy: Big fish, little fish, cardboard box!
Baby twin boys. They're called Epidermus and Mesophyll.
The biology bit: Mesophyll cells make up the biggest layer in leaves and have lots of air gaps between allowed air in/out. Epidermal cells make the top and bottom layer of the leaf that we can see.
They're both brown haired (of course) but Epidermus is grey-eyed like Vyn and Mesophyll is green-eyed like Sci.
Sci: Guess what! I just some more babies!
Random teen: That's great, but who are you?
Sci: Share my joy *attempt to hug*
Random teen: Wooooah, calm down *hug reject* I seriously don't know you.
WHY STILL IN MY HOUSE? How did she even get in here?
Quadruple birthday! Can we guess whos it might be?
Phloem is birthday girl numero uno.
Palisade and Vyn: WOOO. COME ON PHLOEM!
Xylem: Would you hurry up, I want it to be my turn.
You'll get your turn in a sec, calm down.
Teenage Phloem! I gave the girls really different makeovers compared to their child selves, but I like it. Her mouth is actually ginormous though :/
Phloem Ence:
Pleasure (knowledge)
Virgo 9,2,9,7,6
+Werewolves, blackhair / -charismatic
Become city planner
Vyn and Palisade: WOO YAY XYLEM. YOU GO GIRL.
Xylem: Hey, where's Phloem? And who's this random chick
Oh that's just Cherry Chun, she's one of your mother's friends who never seems to turn up in any photographs because she's really boring. Don't mind her.
Xylem: Ok then. But .. Phloem? D:
Yeah, she went to bed. Her energy level was red.
Teenage Xylem! Again, with the massive mouth (curse you Vyn). She always seemed a bit edgier to me than Phloem, even though she has more nice points.
Xylem Ence:
Romance (family)
Virgo 10,1,10,3,10
+Brown hair, logical / -jewellery
Become Hall of Famer
Yay, finally a LTW where my nofriends hack will work!
Baby Epidermus is ready to grow up. I know what you're all thinking. Already?! Yep, nothing much interesting happened during the simday so they get to be grownup already.
Glamour potty shot, oh yeah. All the kids have been really cute as toddlers but they get less cute as they grow up due to their MASSIVE MOUTHS.
So. Many. Cake. Shots. Also, does that burgler alarm look HUGE or is it just me?
Toddler Mesophyll. Oh hey Sci, when did you get here?
Sci: Oh, I turned up about 5 minutes ago when work finished.
3 updates, 3 fires. Seriously?
Fireman: Yeah, seriously? Can you stop setting stuff on fire please?
Vyn: I have NO idea what you're talking about.
Ok, I'm really sorry for the terrible walls down shot, but I needed to catch this on camera.
Phloem: WOAH, Xylem? You do realise you're naked?
Xylem: Well, how else would I shower? *closes eyes and pretends Phloem is gone*
Vyn: And that is why you should always practise safe sex. Got it?
Palisade: Can I just finish my meal? Please? D:
Stay classy guys.
Sci: *Stare of intensity towards Vyn's arse*
Vyn: Does anyone feel a breeze?
Vyn, you're just oooooozing class today. And stink lines.
Aw, Epidermus why are you crying?
Epidermus: Because my drawing is RUBBISH next to Palisade's picture of him and Mum eating toast.
Well errr, practise makes perfect?
Sci: All that yoga was so worth it, I'm now TOTALLY buff.
Vyn: *is distracted from cooking skilling by Sci's buffness*
Phloem: You guys are so EMBARASSING.
Is that a smustle-face or a grimace of pain because you've shoved your foot through the wall?
Palisade: It's my sexy dance face, OBVIOUSLY. This will help me pull the ladies when I'm heir.
You mean "if".
Phloem is leaving us to go to college already? This is also known as my game is lagging quite a lot with so many people in the house, so I'm kicking out the teens.
Palisade: Hey, is Xylem going to? I want all the attention.
Burbyeee Xylem. I didn't send them off at wildly different times, honest. Phloem went just before 7, Xylem just after.
Palisade: Drinking the bubble mixture.
Palisade: *COUGHING UP BUBBLES* It tastes naaaaaaaaaasty.
...I don't even know what to type.
Palisade: ALRIGHT, A+
Things Palisade needs to stop doing:
1) Drinking bubble mixture
Palisade: *angry face* FETCHHHHH.
Oh, hey cute delivery girl. Nice to see you again.
Vyn: Heeeeey, nice er.. basket ;)
Cute Delivery Girl: Hahaha .... ha? *creeped out face*
GOD Vyn, now she won't come back.
These guys kept rolling wants to go on a date, so I gave them a crappy stay-at-home date.
Epidermus: What are Mummy and Daddy doing?
Nothing. Now crawl back into the house. How did you even get OVER here?
Oh no Vyn, what's wrong?
..I'm pretty sure he's not, I think I would of noticed.
Vyn: But the Great Date Rose is from some other woman named Katy.
That was before you guys were married, it's fine. Sidenote: why did you even look at that? I honestly didn't tell you to.
Sci: WTF, I'm not cheating? *walks away*
FML. Why did I keep that stupid Great Date Rose :/
To get his revenge, Sci went to work dressed as a male stripper.
On a less depressed note, birthdayyyyyyyys!
First, Epidermus.
Epidermus: It's ok Mum, Daddy still loves you *pats face*
I'm not sure cute is the word I'm going to use. His mouth creeps me out a little bit. On the plus side though, none of the kids have cloned looks (Thank the Lord). I have noticed a creepy pattern though. All the green eyed kids have one personality and all the grey eyed kids have another one O_o
Allo Mesophyll.
Mesophyll is a bit cuter than Epidermus, but not by much. Love the wasp on his shirt though haha.
Creepy glitched flame that is still in my SimKitchen to this day.
What ya doing Vyn? Your energy bar is still yellow.
Vyn: I refuse to sleep in the same bed as this cheating SCUMBAG.
How many times do I have to say he didn't cheat D: Pretty soon after this Vyn rolled the want fall in love, so I'm going to try and fix their marriage next update.
Time for Palisade to eneter teenage-hood.
Mesophyll: But I want the cake D:
Quit your whinging, you can have cake later.
I hate the lighting in this kitchen, it makes them all look demented.
Family members: COME ON PALISADE. WOOO.
I quite like him, other than the marginally creepy smile.
Epidermus: He looks good from down here too!
Good to know, now get out of your brother's picture.
Palisade Ence:
Popularity (Grilled Cheese)
Virgo 10,1,10,3,10
+Sporty, hard workers / -Good at cleaning
Become Captain Hero
And that is all for this update. They'll most likely be one more update before the ~college years~. That update will probably have the heir poll at the end of it as well, so hopefully people will vote on that *fingerscrossed*. Ciao.