Another update from the white chick.

Feb 01, 2005 01:23

Yeah Yeah YEAH I know I havent updated since like, before christmas. but that doesnt mean I dont think about it. I do. I'll be on the shitter like hmmm maybe I should update my lj, and as we know all the thoughts on the shitter usually go down it once you flush. *oops ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

deadpoolsidious February 1 2005, 08:51:56 UTC're fuckin pregnant?!


*giggle* stucking_foned March 5 2005, 07:09:52 UTC
but the music DID die. and we killed it.

... bye.. bye..
miss american pie...


Wow... kitty_kat07 February 9 2005, 19:17:22 UTC
That was so deep hun. It was also completely true. I get what you are trying to say and everything. But good luck and im always here for you even tho we dont talk at all anymore. I love ya to death and always have. Thats why I looked up to you so much was because you always had great advice. But have fun with the baby.


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