is introduction isn't by me - it's by my mate yayster
Here are the caps for Meltdown, not one of my personal favourites, but a good episode nonetheless! There are some great shots of Rimmer in here too, especially in his Patten outfit! Ah, you gotta love Rimmer when he's all military-like. I want him as the head of my command =D Sounds very kinky to me - Lady_Draco
Some things I'd like to point out... Number 14: I love his face here - what an expression! Number 22: This moment in the episode cracks me up! XD I LOL every time! Number 25: Another one of my favourites!
I'm lady_draco, honest! Look! There's a koala outside my window! =D No there smegging isn't
Stay mean...toodle pip!
Okay, well, enough of that nonsense *grins cheekily*. "Meltdown" is up next. Enjoy