3 Reviews

Sep 15, 2009 10:27


I effing love Glee. I don't know what else to say. The music is good, the lines are funny and there's choreography. Can't go wrong with some good ole funky dancing., which is ironic seeing as musicals usually have me running wildly in the opposite direction :P I don't reallly ship any couples yet, mostly because I don't watch shows for ships. But, Finn and Rachel have potential, and I thought their first kiss during the picnic scene in Showmance, was beautiful. Well, until Finn had to summon the runover mailman image.

Seriously, they were kissing for all of ten seconds, how easy is it for a teenage boy to get so worked up?!

Anyway, another delightful part of Showmance was Quinn. Everyone loves a bad girl. Her plea to Finn to quit the Glee club was cute, including the bribe of allowing him to touch her breast over the bra, lol.her audition performance was cool. I've watched it like 20 times. I don't know what I like about it so much.

And finally, the Push It performance was hilarious.

Kurt wins at life.

True Blood Finale

If I had to summarize, I would call that finale one big bag of WTF. Just when I had begun to tolerate Eric, he's gone after the first 5 minutes. Then they kill Maryann... and everything just.. sloooows...down. So much filler. On many occasions, I found myself checking the seek to see how many minutes were left.

And can I just say NOOOOOOOO to Jessica/Hoyt!? They're the only couple I really care about on this show apart from Sam/Tara and their ending broke my heart :( What was Jess doing? Why... why...

I was happy Sookie said yes. Why? I don't know. I don't care about the ES/BS thing one way or the other, and Bill seemed sincere, so whatever. I'm thinking Eric had something to do with his kidnapping though.

I'm glad to have fierce!Lafayette back. And I wasn't really thrilled with the way Jason killed Eggs. The whole thing seemed so random to me, even though I HAD been wondering how they were going to get rid of him. Now can we get Tara/Sam people!?!

It wasn't the most enthralling finale I'd ever seen, but it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, maybe it's cos I'm not an ES fan.

Last, but not least, Gossip Girl

So GG is back, finally! But! Generally the ep didn't knock my socks off. Here's why:

DV - I said it elsewhere, Dan's sudden need to lie to Vanessa and get all aggressive was upsetting. I love Dan, but I went WTF at their argument. It was one of those cases where they were both in the wrong. Dan wasn't telling Vanessa the truth about his lifestyle, maybe because he was scared of her reaction or something, but I don't remember her judging him. He also waited untile the last minute to tell her about his family issues, why won't she be upset? IDK. I love these two, they need to sort that out. It was weird. The way he reacted made it out like she was the bad guy when it seemed she was mostly just concerned.

CB were oh-so-cute.... to the point of a smidge cheesy towards the end :shrug: I suppose though, after all the angst of last season, a little cheese is acceptable. I wasn't over the moon about the games either :shrug: Maybe it's the result of a season and a half of fighting. But I was not used to CB cutesyness. CB aren't cute. Do you people think I'm weird, that I miss the snark? Because I do.

Carter - since when did he suddenly start disliking Blair?! That confused me. Last we saw him, they were practically begging him to leave him alone. Why can't I make myself like this guy?!

Ca/S - Cute, but didn't do much for me. I am indifferent to this coupling. Maybe I need a few more eps?

Serena - I like this Serena. I was so OVER hearing about this side of her, and was glad to see it. The riding away on the horse was funny.

The Humphreys/Eric - ok. Nothing worth commenting on, which is a shame, as I'm Team Eric.

Nate - I approached his sl objectively, but was still a little bored by the predictablility until the end when Gramps Vanderbilt made the call of eeviiiill. I like him.

Also, I think I want to stop looking at spoilers again. I like being surprised, and spoilers never help.

review: gossip girl, review: glee, review: true blood

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