that poor kid is busted. six weeks for recovery. this should be a message to all you lush lunatics out across the land. dont drink, then sit on a ledge, & then take a 10 foot drive onto pavement. nuff said. god.
treasure island. where we lay our scene. & its unlawful to pick seaoats. f.s. 370.041 lost my favorite #2 pencil. i was on a classified g14 mission, but was terminated.
i tired to love you like you loved me. but this is driving me crazy. wish everything would calm down inside. seems like all is racing by. i couldve given more. through it all, there was a fire that magikly danced, almost right out of my life. some where out there, beneath the moon, the scarecrow will point in directions to choose. go on now, be
so what i fail'd to mention before with my friend & her car rolling backwards in the parking lot of kash-n-karry having macho college hulks holding the vehicle in place until our return was ........ that i was the one that released her parking break when we got out. HAHA!