So, got to play Resident Evil 0 for a bit tonight, not enough for a review so I'll share a few first impressions instead:
Wow. Gritty and pretty are the first two words to spring to mind. Washed out tones really create a stunning visual experience, adding tons to the visual experience. Rain looks rainy, blood looks bloody, leeches look slimy, everything truly looks the part. Lucky it also sounds the part as well, good sound effects and a very effectively employed soundtrack does no harm. Some of the voice-acting, particularly the voice over at the very start, is a bit cheesy, but that adds to the charm really. I hope this keeps up.
Okay, while I do have fun playing this game, the controls are something only a blinded fangirl (and I know I'm going to have my head bitten off for that) could love. They are clunky, awkward, and sadly very unnatural. This might have worked with a behind-character camera, but when I walk awkwardly into a carriage and find myself suddenly surrounded by zombies, I don't want to have to figure out how my character is standing in retrospect to the cammera just so I can run away. Good thing zombies are so damn slow, otherwise I might have died a few times. Similarly if I walk into a carriage and I can hear a zombie approaching and I can see that Billy can see the zombie, I want to be able to as well. I am not partial to moving forward straight into said zombies arms because I cannot see to get a lock on. If I'm actually playing as Billy (not a guardian spirit aka Baten Kaitos) I want to see at least what he can see. It could be argued that I just need to adjust to the controls, however I'm talking about controls so ugly I don't want to get to know them. I'll stick to Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil 4 for getting this right.
Other than this considerable gripe, gameplay is very solid. Monsters are satisfying to kill. The restricted Item system, though it can prove frustrating when trying to manage key items, does add some tatical thinking to the gameplay. Player zapping is executed flawlessly, and though I do have my gripes with the controls, the control is tight and responsive. Jolly good show old chaps!
So after a very amusing opening cut-scene I find myself on the train. It doesn't seem as dimension jumping as the book made it out to be, but that's okay. I end up walking backwards in a little circle up the carriage thinking to myself wtf? After figuring out the logic behind the controls (who the fuck thought this up...) I manage to start making some progress, I make it in front of a door. After a bit I encounter a type-writer, Billy, Zombies, Dogs, People getting thrown through windows and of course, 0's draw card, I come across leeches. Not nessescarily in that order.
Leeches are gross.
*cough* Anyway I eventually find myself on the roof of the train, by some great feat of magic I managed to walk it's length without falling off. Not without coming dangerously close mind you. And I'm thinking to myself, "wow this is quite well done", the rain looks good, the trees are speeding by. It really creates the impression that this is cold and wet and one wrong move will break your neck, it's really not a nice place. Rebbeca re-connects the power, gets leeched, falls down into train via conveiniently ripped hole in train roof. I spend the next ten minutes coming to the realisation that I'm not getting out of there and I've left Billy on the roof. So I try a Zap and after a stomach-turning blur I find myself male, handcuffed, and cold and wet and miserable on the roof of a hurtling train. Time to head back and find some stuff.
I find a kitchen. Wonderful, I'll be able to find a chopstick or knife and I'll go back to the roof and drop it down to beloved Becca (or dollface *snigger*). Nope, but there is a little service elevator which gives me an item to item link with Rebecca only a floor away *happy sigh*. I send down the key Rebbeca found, she doesn't need it if she isn't going anywhere. I try to send a combat knife up so I can poke the thing blocking the lock, aparently it doesn't fit. How big is this kife then? Because that space could have easily fitted a dinner plate flat, it still should have fit on the diagonal *headsmack*. Eventually I come across a rather large room, which has something big on the roof. Ignoring it I headed across, nothing happened. I find an ice-pick (whoop-de-doo) a shitload of healing items and a shot-gun. I find myself astounded that I hadn't saved up to this point and really wishing I had. Head back into big-room-so-a-boss-battle and I find a giant scorpion. So I blow it to hell and save Rebecca.
Moments later I solved a puzzle that gained me a hookshot. This made me giggle very loudly and I couldn't help but supply a zelda-style sound effect.
Overall I'm really enjoying the game. Only jumped once thanks to that fucker of a zombie that attacks the second time you go through the kitchen. Squirmed plenty of time thanks to those fucking leeches. And managed to kill my first zombies. Only one Wirkin sighting, brief glimpse of Wesker in the opening ;_;
I need to go to bed now -_-