Valentines Day contribution.
Think of me f-o-n-d-l-y.
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0,5 mechanical pencil
No reference
Time: Quick work.
© Copyright on the art belongs to me.
CCGoddess at dA is me.
Talk to her and you're talking to me. Sorry to disappoint you.
So I have been drawing a lot more recently. In a way it feels like I've been on a year-long hiatus from the art-world. Admittedly, I still can't say that I enjoy drawing, but it's not as much a pain to do anymore. Perhaps I will actually finish some of those hundreds of WIPs I have everywhere in the house.
And I know! That's not the drawing I said I'd use as Valentines contribution! But the other one was horrible.
I would've written something, too, but I haven't been able to. Which, in a way, isn't good because my psychiatrist wanted to read something I've written, so I should whip out something. Perhaps I'll give her the worst crap I've ever written, just to see if she'll be honest. That'd be fun. Because I bet the only reason she's interested is that she wants to see how well a person with my condition can write. *sigh*
I'll go hide now.
Have an awesome Valentines Day now, okay?
Make it a good one!