b_d wishing

Dec 02, 2011 22:39

Soooo wishlist time:

1. Business card holder - something elegant, classy (not bulky or manly)
2. vintage-esque messenger bag/side bag that can be used in work situations
3. Dalton hoodie - you know the one (xl so I can be super comfy cozy)
4. silver jewelry - I have a problem. I'm addicted to it. anything from classic vintage to unique (nothing TOO extreme/out there or punk). bracelets, necklaces, rings (8-9), earrings.
5. digital camera OR Flip cam - my point and shoot is as big as Zach Morris' old cell phone and is like a 5 megapixel. Would adore something smaller/slimmer with higher res. God knows I'd put either the still or the Flip to use with random Darren/Starkid/Glee stuff coming up
6. Gift cards: Sephora, Ulta, Barnes & Noble, Chicos, iTunes, VISA
7. Music: new Coldplay, new Daughtry CD
8. credit towards paid livejournal account
9. Philosophy shower gel: Pure Grace, Cinnamon Buns, Cinnamon Hot Toddy, Vanilla Sour Cherry
10. Blaine/Darren!bear from Build A Bear - clothing optional but if you do please see inspiration names lol
11. Wall-E action figure that's work desk appropriate
12. Lined Moleskin notebook (black, midnight blue or deep red cover)

*bonus: Darren or John Krasinski delivered to me, please make sure box has air holes so they arrive ok ;)

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