Week 56: Music
For this week, there must be something present in your icon that is symbolic of music, be it a track title, group name, music note, lyrics, etc. This theme is purposefully meant to be loosely interpreted, so we should end up with a lot of unique entries!
Rules and guidelines
-No crossposting or sharing your icon before the contest is FULLY completed. Until that results post is up, we'd better not find your icon floating around your journal or anywhere else.
-Try to respect individual artist or resource maker's guidelines. While it's not necessary that you credit every brush, texture, or gradient used, we do appreciate this information as it helps our banner people better match your style.
-If using a foreign language on your icon, PROVIDE A TRANSLATION. Those who submit an icon with foreign text on it without providing a translation will first be warned. If no action is taken by the time voting is posted, the icon will be disqualified. Icons with gibberish text in a foreign language will no longer be tolerated.
All icons must be submitted in the following format:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v511/ccs_awards/community_icon.gificon by
_irii_Credits: N/A
For a full listing of all rules, please visit the
user info. Your icons are due by Friday, March 24th at 9:00pm EST. Good luck, everybody, and let's see some great icons!