Hello! Thank you so much for being part of this. I'm very easy to please and will be thrilled to death with any story in any of these fandoms, I assure you. :) I hope this will be a lot of fun for you.
Baseball RPF: Any (gen) Cubs-related story would make my life for all eternity. It's that simple. I have another blog
here in which I've rhapsodized about my non-sexual love for Mike Fontenot in great detail, if that's helpful. I found this year's team deeply, insanely adorable, mostly because they genuinely seem to like each other, and I'd especially love anything that plays up that friends-outside-of-baseball aspect. As an example of the kind of thing I would like, my friend
jesshelga suggested a story about how "Fontenot was sort of sad about Theriot getting married, but then Theriot and wife started having kids, and he realized he could teach them how to fish and have an excuse to come over and play video games and eat Fudgesicles..." Obviously I wouldn't demand that you write that specific story, but that kind of domestic cuteness would certainly be amazing.
Life: As I think I mentioned in my prompt, I love Ted. I really, really, really love Ted. If your story involves Ted in any way, I'll be delighted with it. If you're looking for something more specific, I'd be really interested in a story about how Ted and Charlie met in prison and what their relationship was like there (although I'd prefer no slash between them). I also love Ted/Olivia a lot.
Tam Lin: This book is really dear to me, partly because I went to another ACM college and my college experience was very similar to what Pamela Dean describes here - well, minus the fairies and stuff. :) Which is to say, the day-to-day details of their college experience are really my favorite part. Janet and Thomas are possibly my favorite literary relationship ever, so I'd love to read more about them; really, though, I kind of have to leave this one open, because I'm fascinated by all the characters. So basically, just write what's easiest for you. How's that for general?
Thank you again! I appreciate this so much and am very excited to see what you come up with.