CDMSTC's LJ stalker is CDMSTC!CDMSTC is stalking you because you have two personalities with the same name. Even though you have a huge head, there is only room for one and he is coming to get you/me!
-This website wasn't working for the longest time, but now it's up again. I wish I could download it and keep it in case it decides to go away forever. -For now, enjoy the Stick Fight. -
-Everyone make sure you are registered to vote, and most importantly that you remember to vote this November. I don't wanna get drafted and I doubt many of you do either. Yes, Bush wants to bring back the draft
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-Tomorrow we have our camera test at school. This is to find out if we know how to use the camera properly to photograph what we have in mind. The art department will have some of their stuff to shoot to see how it will look on film
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-Once upon a time a guy is flying down the interstate, going way faster than he should be, and consequently he gets pulled over by the state police
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-I wouldn't want for anyone to see this website because that would undo the idea of the website. It is simply there if you choose to click-I wish they had a JEDI website...not a STAR WARS website. The kind that...nevermind
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