The Return of Machiki!! dundundunDUUUUUUUUUN

Dec 12, 2005 22:28

Got Machiki back the other day so I did a photostory of her return >.> like I do. It's a short one. I got more pictures cause I enjoyed her little outfit here so I'll get those posted later.

Fae: *sighs* This is the life~ No Resin-Blob to shadow over and belittle me~ *sighs*
Rose Gundam: ~.~

Door: *sneaky open and close*
Machiki: Luuuucy~ I's hoooome~

Shan: *inserts non-storied cute picture* yay pose~

M: Iori! Hey! So, how have things been since I've been gone?
Iori: Inflating Fae's lil' plastic head...
M: Oh really...?
I: Yeah, you shoulda seen her try to fly...ever since that embarassment, she's been compensating for it by acting all Queen of ...Shan's room?

M: O rly?  Well, good thing I brought a friend from Livi's...
Mysterious Figure: Rrrarrr

M: Taka! Where is Fae!
Taka: *meeps*
M: Taka...where is she? I gotta pull her head off and sell ehr body for science
T:...she's up there.
M: kthxbai

F: *whistles happily*
M: *looms angerily*

F: *blinks* Who's in my sun! *blinks* uh oh...

M: *Looms* Hello Newman...
F: Eeek, not a Seinfield quote!

F: Ehehehe..well...enjoy your vacation?
Gundam: *flees*
M: *glares*
F: *Nervous giggle* Have you lost look good.

F: Come now Machiki, I was jsut keeping your seat warm!
M: ....
F: ehehe...
M:...I keel you..I keel you dead...d-e-d dead.
F: HA! How? Sit on me fatty!

M: Nope, with my zombie!
Zombie: rrrarrrr

Z: plaaaaatik braaaaaiiiiinzzzz *looms*
F: *gaspflee*

M: *lays out* Ahhhh! MAster of my domain...again
Taka: *sweatdrops*

F: CHIKI-SAN! Make it stooooop!!

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