Title: Resident Geek
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings: Edward/Bella
Rating: NC-17
Chapter: 16/?
Warnings: Strong language, sexuality, and underage drinking.
Summary: Geeky Edward thinks he has absolutely no shot with the popular, beautiful Bella. Is he right, or will she be one of the many girls who thinks geeks make for better lovers? OOC-AH.
Chapter 16 )
Comments 15
I've been wanting to read outlander but
its thickness intimidates me :/
Thanks for reading! :)
How can I deny geekward? It's unthinkable :P
(The comment has been removed)
Second, thanks for the author rec! I've been floundering in the Sci-Fi area lately because I haven't been able to find a good author to latch onto since Anne Bishop. I'll definitely be on the lookout for any of her books in the local bookshops I go to.
Third, thanks for reading! The next chapter is maybe half-way done. I'm planning to dedicate a large part of tomorrow on it, so hopefully it'll be done soon.
I have to second the "Edward can't last" sentiment. It is very realistic, and fits perfectly into this story and the history of these two people.
Personally, a little disappointed that he didn't pull a motorboat.
JK, really!
So glad to see you updated, and I'm just reminded time and again how much I adore your Geekward! I also love how Bella calls him out on his overthinking.
Lovely... just lovely!
I read it on ff.net a while ago and never reviewed so I thought I'd do it here. The story is fantastic and so original. I love the way you write about Bella and Edwards emotions towards everything. It makes the story so much more enjoyable. I hope more is coming soon!
Also, thanks for the rec on the Outlander series. My BFF was trying to find something that had to do with time travel and romance and I told her about this series and she is hooked :) So thanks for that!
Anyway, hope more is comin' soon! You're doin' a GREAT job!!
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