To Lenkija, he is “Hey you”, a friend, to wrestle and to throw mud at.
To Lenkija, he is Licia, his best friend, whom he was forced to marry.
To Polska, he is Licia, a servant, a husband he doesn’t love.
To Polska, he is Licia, a husband, a companion.
To Polska, he is Licia, a knight in shining armor.
To Rusija, he is Toris, a servant who needs to be broken.
To Г-н России, he is Toris, an obedient toy.
To Г-н России, he is Toris, an escaped pet who will come back for his help, eventually.
To Lenkija, he is Licia, a possession to be reclaimed, by force if nessacary.
To America, he is Lithuania, a friend.
To Polska, he is Liet, a close friend he nearly lost for his own selfishness.
To Г-н России, he is a doll, lost and now found, never to be allowed out again.
To Polska, he is Liet, someone to help him heal.
To Feliks, he is Liet, his only happiness in a hellhole.
To Feliks, he is Liet, someone to look forward to when they’re both free.
To Feliks he is Liet, someone to celebrate with.
To Feliks, he is Liet, someone who lost himself in his willingness to stop existing.
To Feliks, he is Liet, a friend, a lover, someone who is his only as long as he wants.
To Toris, he is himself, someone who has lived and loved and lived some more. Someone who has hated and fought and been nearly destroyed. Someone who has lived 1000 years, who has changed and survived.
To Toris, he is himself, former husband of Poland, former servant of Russia, friend of America, and boyfriend of Poland.