Title: Sweet
Author: me! (tsu_chan55)
Rating: PG
Warnings/Kinks/Squicks: Death. but when is C/V not death? O.o;
Disclaimer: JKR's, unfortunately. Would that I could own them! *dreams impossible dreams*
A/N: Er. Yeah. For
actress_krissie on her 1 year anniversary on LJ! XD
and I would never disobey a request :D
His lips are shiny in death.
It may be possible that he licked them before grabbing the cup, nervous and anticipating, excited because even though the year has been long and hard, he is about to win.
Then Potter must have come and ruined it all, he supposes. Potter has a way of ruining everything. He had that knack when he was a baby, and undoubtedly he will have it when he is a fully grown man - not that he'll ever live that long, of course, but the inevitable growth of something along with the body is bound to happen.
His lips are a little too shiny. They should have dried by now.
Voldemort bends over and touches a finger to the cold, lifeless lips, bringing it up to his face to smell, and then taste.
Confusingly, it tastes sweet.
He had always known Cedric to be a sweet boy.
Even in death, it remains the truth.
His lips look wet.
hehe XD