OK, this is SCARY!

Jul 18, 2005 14:06

In researching some stuff for my letter to the editor of Taste for Life magazine, I found this scary shit on the FDA website:


Does FDA approve infant formulas before they are marketed?

The law does not require that FDA approve infant formulas but instead requires companies to provide certain information to FDA before they market new infant formulas. Manufacturers must provide assurances that they are following good manufacturing practices and quality control procedures and that the formula will allow infants to thrive. If such assurances are not provided, FDA will object to the manufacturer's marketing of the formula; however, the manufacturer may market the new infant formula over FDA's objection.

Source: FDA/CFSAN Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements July 2002


WHAT the fuck? The FDA doesn't have to approve infant formula and, even if the FDA objects, the manufacturers can STILL sell their objectionable shit to unwitting parents who probably think the shit couldn't be made and sold without SOME kind of governmental approval process?

OMG. Those poor little guinea pig babies...
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