paint with all the colors of the wind?

May 22, 2006 00:00

RED - angry

1. Are you currently mad at someone?
no. i am rarely mad at anyone. i'm usually only mad at people for very short times and then very very rarely when they are nto in front of me.

2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
i dunno maybe my dad. but we dont really blow up a lot.

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
yeah, sometimes more frequently than others. actually last week i threw a ball at bingham to get him out in kickball. unless threw is too weak a word. more like pegged

4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
i dunno you tell me. its probably more likely to be pinkish if i'm embarassed.

5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream?
hmmmmmmm well there was that time that i needed to scream so we went to a park and screamed but then got a ticket for park after dark and got a fine of 100 dollars but then i went to court for it and the judge let me off with a warning...... i dont normally do that though. i usually prefer to throw something or do something physical to vent. i sometimes stare though. i really dont know. i guess this wasnt supposed to be an essay....


1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
not that i recall but thats fine by me :) i usually end up planning one for myself which doesnt leave any room for surprise parties. heh.

2. Are you easily excited?
yes and easily entertained.

3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?

4. Which of your friends is most excitable?
hmmmmmm depends what you mean by excitable. eli jumps around when he's tickled if that counts...

5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought?
yay no debt!

6. If you could have anything right now, what would it be?
ummm i dont know. more financial aid?


1. Name: Rosemarie

2. Where were you born? Atlanta, GA

3. What's your main goal in life? to be a good person and have some fun

4. Do you want to have children? possibly

5. How do you want to die? hard question. i might want to die doing something really exciting...but when i'm old


1. Sex before marriage?
depends on the circumstances. probably not for me but if you're absolutely sure and you are independent and you have a mature relationship with someone, it might be a good thing.

2. Gay Marriage?
if it makes you happy (i second that, kate)

3. Lower the Drinking age?
yes, because such a high drinking age encourages more dangerous drinking. teenage drinking is going to happen no matter what and if it was legal it could be made much safer. i really could go on and on because i wrote a half page editorial on the subject last year but if you really want to read it just go look it up in the carpe diem.

4. Capital Punishment?
no because it cannot be justified. i'm with j.r.r. tolkein on this one. many who deserve life lose it. can you give it back to them? then don't be so quick to take the life of one who may deserve death. (not word for word of course)

5. Abortion?
i'm pro choice. i don't necessarily think that it is a good thing, but i think that a woman deserves to make that choice.

6. Recycling?
of course.......we've got to try to save this planet and recycling is a good place to start.


1. What was your latest dream?
it was pretty sad. cameron's mom died. i dunno what else happened.

2. Have any of your dreams come true?
yeah maybe. although it was weirder this one time when my dream didnt come true because i didnt know it had been a dream so when things werent how they had been in the dream i got really confused.

3. What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?
i duno i've had a few sorta weird dreams. hmmm there was this one that was about this game involving monsters. and you like built your monsters and they fought on this game board. i really dont remember though i wrote it down somewehre. and then there was my first remembered dream that involved bugs bunny and a giant and gold handcuffs. and then there was the one with all the weird animals that looked kinda like a mix of toads and lizards and who knows waht all. looked like some kind of m.c. escher animals. wow that might be it. i'm gonna go look that up and see if thats it.


1. Straight, Gay, Bi?:

2. Do you Love Someone?

3. Do you have a crush?
if you could call it that. its not temporary

4. Who is the best hugger that you know?
i love hugs from anyone :D

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
eh. i like how some people put it: lust at first sight... that might possibly turn into love. or maybe a connection at first sight that could grow into love?

6. Have you ever been in love?


Q: How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
A: ummmm one that i remember.

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: i cant just pick one. its got some blue, green, brown, purple, black, offwhite, and various shades thereof.

Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?
A. listen to music

Q: What color are your walls?
A: white

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: well nothing on my person. in my wallet i think i have 42 dollars unless i spent it. dont go robbing me though.

Q: Hockey?
A: ummm. i know nothing?

Q: I can't wait till...?
A: mmmmm summer? camp? bonnarooooooooooooooo!

Q: Who got you to join myspace?
A: halleydaisy

Q: Is Tom on your friends list?
A: nope for some reason he never has been there

Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: some seashells

Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
A: haha eliot's clothes for gender bender thursday of spirit week

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: yahoo mail, livejournal, myspace, maybe deviantart

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A. no but there are some next door in the bathroom.

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: well i'm just kinda stiffish all over from my dance performances today and last night

Q: What city was your last taxicab ride in?
A: buffalo, ny! the only one, to my knowledge. the taxi driver knew all this random info about everything in buffalo. it was quite entertaining to hear him and mostly my flute teacher talk. i didnt have much to say and it was way way late after a long flight.

Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: nerp

Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: ummmm i dunno. sometime late at night. i'm fragile when i'm tired out of my mind sometimes.

1. Person you saw: my dad
2. Hugged: eliot
4. Movie watched: zero day
5. Song you listened to: "life like weeds" (modest mouse)

1. What are you doing now: listening to modest mouse and iming eliot
2. What are you doing tonight: well actually i was about to go to sleep...
3. What are you going to eat for lunch: well its 11:30 right now (at night) but i dunno about tomorrow. i might have a salad. i dunno i'm getting really tired of eating anythign at school. good thing i've only got three more days. however. this is in the section called "today" so maybe i should say what i had for lunch today. i suppose it could be called lunch because it cost the lunch amount but me, eliot, and my dad went to new century buffet at liek 3:30 after my dance performance. yum chinese buffet!

1. Is: Monday
2. Goal: do what i need to do for lit
3. Dislikes: having three days to finish up the crap i have to do for lit
4. Do you have to work: no but i need to apply for jobs.

1. Currently love someone?: yes
2. Like someone: it follows
3. Does someone like you?: unless he's lying :P


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