Part 1 is
here If you think the song is about Takoyaki, it is not. Not only the song, the PV also mecha urusai. They are throwing everything they can into the PV as well as several chibiko parody of their past works. The chibiko especially cute.
I don't remember where this is from but the outfit is familiar. Subaru Shounen Premium Club? One PV?
The bleep part
Mac, Jacky, Arsenal, Gum, Toppo, Ace and Johnny is having takoyaki party
Not chibiko but the Eito pride, the unbeatable Taiko tanto
Eito Ranger signature butt dance
This PV wouldn't be completed without Takoyaki & Yoko wrinkles
No Kyocera Dome countdown concert this year too
Maru series of ippatsu gei. You can tell an ippatsu is really really funny if Subaru is laughing. Yoko doya face. Why Yoko isn't laughing? I need the Making Of~
This park only a few minutes walk from
Hana Hostel. I don't think it's Horie Park though but not sure. (ETA: It's Sankaku Koen) Both takoyaki shops nearby is nice. Can you see the shop with giant takoyaki board? The shop is really famous (I will link here when I remember the shop name (Ganso-Donaiya) but I can almost bet, if you show the locals this photo, they can tell you where the shop is or if you're lucky, they will walk you to the shop). The guy at the shop especially talkative and I was scolded because I don't want to order his recommendation, which is shio-takoyaki. I told him I hate salty foods xD
Link to my trip photos