I think they created this episode just for Fumikyun ♥
Junior at TakkiTsuba concert. Their HSJ's monomane also funny.
Hasshi got annoyed at the guy who did his idol, Subaru-kun monomane. Exactly how I feels too. The guy is a Subaru fan. It just that, it's an example of failed monomane.
Of course, Fumikyun was there (KimuTaku, MatsuJun and Takki too)
Fans & Kame's hiprolls. I cannot stop LOL-ing at these girls combi monomane of JE fans.
4-nin Ebii?
'Tsuka-chan' guy is funny
They cannot find anyone who can impersonate Goseki-sama
Download links to the episode:
Part 1 Part 2