So I recently managed to re-watch the Ben 10 episode "Hunted" on tv and it had those trivia pop-up things 8D It reminded me why I fell in love with the original series (Gwevin and MyTrax aside) namely: The diversity of aliens. Alien Force NEEDS MOAR WILDMUTT AND GLUTO!
Part Six: Inertia
In which we see how a little nudge is in order... )
Comments 8
I love the squabbles between Myaxx and Albedo. He's like asshat AzmuthX5. They're the two former assistants...and they stick them together...and Albedo still can't keep his big mouth shut. Jerk. I kind of want canon Al to meet canon Darkles...and have the latter pwn on him something fierce. Yay.
Now there's a Felinar and Pierce (who is awesome, the finale confirmed this)...they really are a patchwork little band, aren't they.
I think they transferred it all to Albedo so it's all good. In a manner of speaking.
YES! Pierce is AWESOME <3333 Re-watching Ben 10 made me realize just how much I missed Tetrax and subsequently Patchwork XD
Maybe Azmuth transferred all that paranoia and arrogance TO Albedo on the sly so he could perform his experiments without all that worrying. I still like him(Al). XD
I know...I rewatched SOTO a week or so ago and remembered why I started watching these shows in the first place: Awesome alien characters and Gwen. Ben appreciation came during this movie, though XD
I... never liked Ben 10 Ben. I only started to like him in Alien Force. His obnoxious attitude really, really, reaaaaaally grates on my nerves. But yes, Gwen and awesome aliens and Gwevin *w*
Gwenie is laughing gleefully... they're getting sucked in!!!
It is official, in my head-canon, Tetrax has a messianic complex XDDDD
Totally. Mine too.
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