Rules: * Don't vote for yourself * Vote 1 least favorite, 1 favorite AND WHY for each * Please use constructive criticsm (ie: "coloring is too blue, font placement is odd" etc) * Voting will end Sunday night ( onto the voting )
least favorite 2all the cropped images make the icon looke odd plus the aniston with that white colored box makes the icon way to boxy. fav 1-its simple and cute
Least favourite: 1 - I like it but it's just a little too blurry Favourite: 3 - in my opinion it's the most creative of the three - and it's nice and bright.
Comments 6
+ 02. i love the placement and the text.
3. like the use of cropping, love the squares
least fave:
2- text is boring and background looks funky. images in background look stretched
2all the cropped images make the icon looke odd plus the aniston with that white colored box makes the icon way to boxy.
fav 1-its simple and cute
best- #1, because i really like the picture choice and the composition and i have a weak spot for tiny text =)
Favourite: 3 - in my opinion it's the most creative of the three - and it's nice and bright.
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