Long entry this time. Tried to avoid it but I've had a pretty fun time and I thought I'd share all of it. Pardon my typing. :P
Last weekend, I went to PAX AKA the Penny Arcade Expo and had a blast! I was a little late though. I didn't know PAX was going on Friday and I found out my friends concert was on Friday night too. >.< I did see one his band members and got to leave Eric a message. Turned out that they didn't put any program info on when each band was playing was on the website, so many people ended up not knowing... Well, didn't even know it was 3 days instead of 2 days like it was last year. Little I could do though as I ended up coming in to work on Saturday even, so I went to PAX after that at around 6pm and found Darien, mike, Robert and several others there. They invite me to a party but I ended up getting push into the guilty gear tournament again this year, which btw was at 11:30pm. But I stayed and helped Zepp take down from the Mario tennis tournament and put the stuff up for Guilty Gear. I got in a lot of practice and managed to beat my frist round! The next person I was against, believe it or not was my friend, Brett! *lol* I knew without a doubt I was going to lose, as of course I've played against him many times when I over at his apartment. Like last year though, V won the tournament again with Ky Kiske! Woot! Ky is the character I mainly play as. =D And V even offered to get me a price with all the points he had to spend for winning, as he was offering quite a lot of us. I refused at frist, but he had many points to get rid of so I op'ed for a Warcraft Game guide which I was quite thankful for. After, I mostly just hanged out with everyone, as it was to late to go to the party... since it was past 2 am. We got a box of free Bawls, the favored drink, since so many of Guilty Gear guys were on staff and we got price-marked-down hotdogs from the food vendor right outside. They were still selling at 2 am in the morning! XD
On Sunday, I got to go in the open Exhibitioner's Hall. I played the new Legend of zelda:Twight princess(!!) and got a personal demo of the new Middle Earth online mmorpg! That was pretty interesting and fun plus I was so happy with all the cool stuff I got too! The Middle Earth crew gave me a few purple pouches with purple D&D dice in them and at at the Ncsoft booth I got a free Lieage 2 Game CARD and dark elf standie! After, saw Denise with her bf there with several of her friends, which I offered to drop off a few of her friends at her apartment. Where I got to vist a bit more with them and see how her pet Rats were doing.
The rest of the night, I went over to Brett's apartment for more Guilty Gear! I'm getting to almost a pro at the game, certainly not master like the players in the japan though! The rest of week I end up playing Guilty Gear X2 at my house. Some on Monday with Ryan as well but for most of the week I just left it on, played it versus the computer and unlocked all the extra characters, the ex mode and Golden & black mode for the character. now can just input the commands, instead of the moves kind of working, they almost always work now! *grin*
I'm sure a few of my guys friends would have loved where I went to on Saturday.
I got up at like 4 am, caught a Ferry and was at the Bremerton Raceway. And boooyah! IT was super fun and rather intense.
I zzzzzoomed around in my little Ford Force hatchback and not really racing but seriously burning rubber! It was mostly just fast, sharp turning and slam down braking.
My step dad was in Auto-cross with his porche so Mom was running back and forth a long ways. After lunch she just hung by the autocross course.
umm,hmm let me be little clear on what I did...
The event I went to was put on by the porche club of america north west and got to do it since both my parents are club staff members. I was in a women group of all ages and youths. So, I in a rather comfurable envierment for doing this for the frist time. Besides my parents introduce me to so many people they knew and everyone was so friendly.
The insturctors were clear, thorough, extremely nice and encouraging. I think they were rather over encouraging in fact! *lol* they were ether cheering us on when they got in our cars to go "faster, faster, FASTER!" or to run over all the cones! There was a lot of porches there of course, but there were other cars doing it like Outbacks and Acuras. The lead instructor had a Ford Forcus Hatchback like mine, but it was orange and he called his the "little orange cone"! XD
After, I did the open course for a laps or two. Then drove with dennis on the way back in this Porche for the first time and found out it was a porche turbo S 986. We took different ferry on the way back, and it was much longer trip. We pasted the Navy Shipyard though and saw we were taking the ferry from Bremerton to Edmond's. There so many little food shops by the Bremerton Ferry stop! Crepes, fish and fish and an this hole in the wall ice cream shop. I remember going to that ice cream shop a few time before in my past, and my family and I all wet there again. Got same ice cream I liked to get wen I was a kid too, Bubble Gum. :P
Afterward I had planned to go to my friend Bretts for the Guilty Gear meet that happens every saturday night. I was pretty tired when got home though. I ended up taking a nap that put me to midnight =/ So, I ended up sadly not going. gah! I gotta keep trying to make it over there, I end up getting too tired to go.
You're Ky Kiske!
You're a skilled swordsman, appointed leader of the
Sacred Order of Holy Knights by the time you
were 16. You question if all Gears are evil,
and seak to learn more.
Which 'Guilty Gear X' character are you? brought to you by
Which Guilty Gear X character are you?2nd:
http://www.dormantchaos.com/baiken.html ahh, I'm not sure about this quiz.... ahh, wait I see this based on an older Guilty Gear, since it's Zato-One & not Eddie. I mean, who is this Kuro Ky?! X_x I'm guessing they mean Robo-Ky as there is no one called Kuro Ky in game and I don't remeber Jam being quite like that. But I do like my answer.
My top result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Guilty Gear XX Personality Quiz, is Ky-Kiske
Didn't I tell you I sercetly collecting Tea Cups? :P The collect is hidden in the super secret underground cellor. It's all shiny and pretty, many pink and flowery ones. j/king Ky's hobbit is collecting TeaCups.