PAX 2008

Sep 03, 2008 05:05

phear my ears!
I so didn't know they were filming my back.... O_o I heard I'm few other places in the video, but my Internet is super slow right now for some reason and it stopped half way in the video.

sorry about not fully editing and correcting errors. there's a lot here.

I got to say hi to lot of people, I sadly I only got a small glimpse several of the people I wanted to hang out with more. Like jamie, jeremy and jeremy's brother micheal. I didn't get to see kenneth that much ether. many others I was able to stop by and say hi to though.

I definitely feel little badly about how didn't get to do that well at managing one booth, but everyone who was helping around the area just passed by me and left! O_o; the day before I did much better at managing a large crowd. if my communication device didn't have battery issues I would have done better. I like how several people told that didn't have battery up at the main desk, but then when the place was closing I was told too late that they had tons.

I swear you ask people really nicely and explain to them the problem, apppologize many times to having to move them and no matter what there still times where there going to get upset and complain. I'm use to it, but I have the ability in the first place to walk up to people just talk to them. while many are very hesitant, its one good reason why I'm a good expo hall exforcer. I'm usually polite, apologetic, but I'm also not afraid to raise my voice or walk up to random strangers to ask them to leave the hall or to move to help a crowd problem. if I know I'm going to see them lot more day to day I have a harder time with that...

swag swag swag! I was totally ready to do expo hall without getting any swag, but I was turned. I nearly got 2 whole bags, but I shrinked down to one bag. t-shirts, stuff animal, water bottle, some warhammer beta keys, some swirling black to while ball, wrist slappers, posters, fallout 3 puppet.... actually wait... did I leave my Fallout puppet in the hotel room on accident?
two favorite things, getting one middleearth online game and several game day cards and my salabounder stuff animals plush. I did see a link plushie but I didn't get it. Turns out the Link plushies are from a store in Kent call Sweet Kitty. I'll have to go there again.

hmm games I got to play, little bit of a WoW card demo, Fallout 3, Aion and Zerg on Starcraft 2. all were pretty fun but I was little sad for Fallout 3... the freestyle firing I wish could have changed the sensitivity for but, wanted person who came up behind me to be able to have a chance to play. I didn't get to play live for dead but I think it would have kicked my ass anyway. :P

I did visit the annex and the table top area to find out Dona, from digipen, had left one of his amazing custom town models with the games and gizmo guy there to sell. I was like "heh, I have a friend who make towns and models of warhammer like that", and the guy said "is his name dona?" and I'm like "whoa, yes!" he was susposedly around the expo, but I didn't see him, which is another person I sadly didn't see.

I did carry a few sumos for faylouwer, wedge and me found to main theater late on sunday. look for missing tvs as well. I even got to eat some dicks hamburgers with failouwer after that. =)
on monday I was really depressed and mad. It's know kind of ruinned things for me... I was kind upset already having missed everything on modnay, but the evening was ruined and very upseting when I saw my ex at the afterparty. all the distrust, betrayal, manulation, lying and ingoring came back to me and here he was talking to some of my close friends, ready to abuse them like he did me. They didn't know that was my ex, but had to say something... I didn't do anything though other let my friends know and let them do what they wanted after. still I hating to hold my feelings in, the least I have done is vent and talk about my frustrations.
Not only am super mad at him for betraying me, using me and ingoring me like he did, I feel like it my fualt and I'm lowing faith in my self for knowing someone like that could do something like that. this person was my best friend and nearly my only friend in middle school... he said all these things to me, only to never mean them and would never care about keeping to what he told me or his promises, or not hurting me. I always sutruggled in hopes for him to understand, but all he said were words, and he would never care show them. he would never call or talk or come over or come up with plans... It's more then just that he said he's always loved me and that he'd loved me forever, and he just denizes that he ever did. He broke any comproise we ever tried to make, or solve things with and argeed too. he'd lies and just throw me aside all the time and then complains whenever we would hang out. I was nothing but worthless to him. he would always ingore me, he was never interest in doing anything but but video games. I mean tried to play with him but he would just luagh at me trying! I tried even play wow with him, but he wouldn't offer to even play with me. He would never, and I repeat never put effort on his own to come stuff us to do or try to solve thing. no surpises or offers... I was always the one to start talking or offer... I felt like was the only one making plans or suggestens to be together. I really didn't like being the only one. I kept trying to tell him how it was hurting how my self esteem was going down. But again no matter how I tried to explain it to him he would always ingore me and go back to making up excuises. all he would ever do is ingore me.... when came to other people I was ingored too, he didn't even try to include me or think of me. I had nightmares and stayed up crying... it ruinned my social life, my self esteem, drove me crazy, ruin my job and school life.

yes it makes you wonder why was with him for so long... yeah loves blind, and I kept trying to have faith in him, I really missed him, remembered how we were friends back then... he only just said some words he truely didn't care.... and that hurts.
I didn't even want to go to school today much less want to get up today...

so, during pax I had some fun when I could, when came to the after party... I really really wanted to get drunk so I could stop hurting.
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