Title: Following The Light: A Tale Of Two Kings
Category: SLASH! Thats M/M. You have been warned. PeterxCaspian AE (Alternate Ending), not really AU but I take liberties with what was not mentioned or shown directly.
Summary: In times of darkness, one must follow the light to find what they are looking for. The epic begins here.
Disclaimer: I do
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Comments 3
I've taken on beta jobs before, and actually have two or three now, but that won't keep me from checking over your work and getting it back to you as soon as possible. I'm quick, but effcient and always glad to help or offer input. Writing my stories myself, I can get rather lazy but never so with someone else's work lol.
Drop a line if you'd like me to beta. If not, good luck in the search for one and I can't wait to see more from you! ;) (My email is wintergoddess6@hotmail.com)
i actually love betaing like a mad person and im avaliable at the mo is collie_lover was busy
email (oddball907@hotmail.com)
if you need anything just hit me up
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