Title: Following The Light: A Tale Of Two Kings: Chapter 1
Category: SLASH! Thats M/M. You have been warned. PeterxCaspian AE (Alternate Ending), not really AU but I take liberties with what was not mentioned or shown directly.
Summary: In times of darkness, one must follow the light to find what they are looking for. The epic continues.
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Comments 14
the scene with caspian helping peter put on his armour was just so charged and intense! really wonderful!
i barely even know what to say other than that this chapter surpassed my expectaions!
can't wait for more!!!
And yes, this chapter was just wonderful and intense and all the good things someone wants from a Caspian/Peter fic ;).
*Coughcough* Wonder when someone will point out Edmund's behavior like I did? *evil grin*
Can't wait for the next chappie to beta and hope to talk to you soon! XD
Oooh. The Edmund thing. Most people will just have to wait in see what I have in store about that *evil laughter*
I'm actually making a new header and some narnia icons for my own use tonight. I'll start writing right after that, or erm, tomorrow maybe? LOL I can be a bit of a procrastinator sometimes. I hope you have a whip lying around somewhere to get me off my ass and back to work
*Bounces up and down* You just HAVE to tell me about the Edmund thing! I feel like there's much flailing and OMGs in my future lol! XD
Ooh, header and icons? Nice, can't wait to see them!
LOL! We were obviously meant to meet; I'm a procrastinator myself ;). Don't worry though *brings out whip and cracks it*, I'll be ready to get you off your ass ;). If the whip doesn't work, my whining will LOL.
In case you haven't noticed, my current header is from my other fandom, Supernatural. But since season 3 has finished and I am now on a new fandom kick, it's only right I dedicate a new header for Prince Caspian the movie :D And icons too, yeay!
Speaking of which, I better get back to work! LOL
I really like your writing style, and the vivid scenes you create. And I can totally feel the *~tension between Caspian and Peter. I agree with other commenters about it being intense, and charged. With some jokes from Peter to break the mood, of course. We all know Caspian loves the way he looks, in armour or not. ;)
Can't wait for more! <3
Thanks so much for the review!
I like how the Peter starts out all solemn and serious in this and then goes quickly into "lol." territory.
Peter probably noticed how *stiff* Caspian was and wanted to lighten the atmosphere. Pun intended lol
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