Well, it took the better part of last night, and today, but I just did something. So, there. I have a complete timeline of Jenny Sparks and Doc Brasses lives, through all of Stormwatch, Authority, Planetary and the Limited Series. I wanted to see where their lives could have/did intersect, but it's a pretty neat accomplishment on its own.
Most of this list was assembled through the help of Trade Paperbacks, and so is referenced appropriately.
Timeline of Col. Jennifer (Jenny) Sparks and Dr. Axel Brass
Jan. 1, 1900 - Jennifer Sparks is born in London, England [A:R]. Elijah Snow and Dr. Axel Brass are born [AOtW].
1910 - John Cumberland (The High) is fired at Earth from a parallel world and raised by farmers [COD]. Jenny Sparks begins attending an all-girls boarding school in Vienna [JS].
1912 - Jenny’s parents die aboard the Titanic and she is cheated out of her inheritance by her "father’s nemesis" [JS].
Jan. 1, 1913 - Jenny’s godfather, Albert Einstein, agrees to send her to school in Zurich. She tells a local painter named Adolf Hitler, whom she has befriended, that he has no future in the art world and she instead urges him to focus on local politics [JS].
Dec. 28th, 1919 - Jenny marries Lorenzo Antonio Slzf, an alien, in Sliding Albion and immediately leaves the world with Ernest Hemingway and a robot who she thinks is Albert Einstein. The robot shoots Jenny, nearly killing her [JS].
Dec. 30th, 1919 - Jenny is repaired by the Engineer, who, thanks to the contents of Jenny’s diary, knew that she had to travel back in time to save The Spirit of the 20th Century [JS].
Dec. 31st, 1919 - Jenny stops aging [FON].
1919 - 20’s - Jenny greets the first shiftships and visits Sliding Albion [FON]. Jenny returns to Sliding Albion in order to rescue Einstein from the Kensington Neuro-camps and defeat her husband [JS].
1930’s - Jenny comes to New York City to fight crime [AOtW] [LS]. At one point she rescues a reporter named Clarence Cornwall [LS]. Dr. Axel Brass meets Jenny Sparks in New York City. Dr. Axel Brass and Elijah Snow cross paths at Fear Quay, Blazing Hawk Mountain, and the hidden city of Opak-Re [PL].
1930 - Carlton Marvell conferences with Axel Brass and Edison to discuss rocket science [PL].
1935 - Dr. Axel Brass's group builds HQ in Adirondacks [AOtW].
1938 - First recorded activities of The High. He and Jenny Sparks work together at some point [COD].
1938-1939 - Dr. Axel Brass meets The High [AOtW].
1939 - Jenny Sparks and Elijah Snow sleep together [P/A]. Dr. Axel Brass's group fights Daemonites in Paris [AOtW].
1940’s - Jenny spends the early part of the decade in New York [LS].
1940 - Edison and Dr. Axel Brass build computers [AOtW].
1941 - The High goes into seclusion, unwilling to fight for America anymore [COD]. Clarence Cornwall attempts to fill an orphanage with Zyklon B gas because the orphans are black. Jenny electrocutes him in the interrogation room at the police station [LS].
1942 - Dr. Axel Brass eliminates the need for food and sleep [AOtW].
Mid 1940’s - 1950’s - Jenny is a British Government agent [JS].
Jan. 1, 1943 - Jenny is captured by the Nazis in Berchtesgaden, Germany while attempting to recover an ancient Tibetan egg. Adolf Hitler recognizes her and has her sent back to England as a ‘birthday present’, instead of being sent to Dachau for experimentation [JS].
1943 - Dr. Axel Brass stops aging [AOtW].
1944 - Dr. Axel Brass learns to close wounds with the power of his mind [AOtW].
??? - Jenny "danced [in the sky] with lovesick supermen while their fiancées fretted in neighboring dimensions" [JS].
??? - Jenny "[got] banged up for swearing in Martian" [JS].
??? - Jenny was "worshipped as a minor deity in a lost, forgotten jungle [which hosts dinosaurs]" [JS].
??? - Jenny "led the charge in a covert World War Three again aggressors at the center of the earth" [JS].
??? - Jenny "swam through the avenues of Atlantis with John Lennon and Jacques Cousteau" [JS].
??? - Axel Brass goes on missions involving the Vulcania Raven God, The Charnel Ship, the Black Crow King and the Murder Colonels [AOtW].
Jan. 1, 1945 - Beings from an alternate reality invade through the Snowflake Computer and all of Axel Brass’ allies die stopping them. Axel Brass begins his vigil [AOtW].
VE Day, 1945 - An associate of Dr. Axel Brass who possesses the Doctor’s diary is killed in Berlin, the diary is taken by a Russian soldier and locked into a KGB vault [AOtW].
1953 - Jenny meets ‘Baxter’, actually Lord Emp, at a maximum security banquet. Sliding Europe goes to war with Sliding Albion. Sliding Albion shunts bacteria into London which gives rise to new SPBs [LS].
1955 - Jenny sleeps with a ‘poet’ or ‘dirty novelist’ who calls her "The Spirit of the 20th Century" [FON][JS].
Late 1960’s - Jenny is part of an SPB group. The costumed SPB group defends what is then known as the ‘counterculture’. They agree to provide security for a festival on the Isle of Wight. Abel Eternity, a fellow team member and ‘strong guy’ type SPB, injects himself with some sort of controlled substance in order to prove his ‘masculinity’, rampages, killing approx. 20 people per second and is quickly electrocuted by Jenny Sparks. She is not condemned but quits superheroing out of guilt [FON].
Late ‘60’s - 1982 - Jenny "went to bed and didn’t get up" [LS].
Feb. 24th, 1976 - Jenny, apparently working for the Soviet government, agrees to lead the fight against an alien invasion in exchange for Gerald Ford losing the ’76 election, ‘Wilson resign[ing] for backing LBJ in Vietnam’ and Reagan being dealt with if he ‘actually makes it to the oval office’ [JS].
1982 - ? - Jenny is part of an SPB group. These SPBs are the same ones that were created by the Sliding Albion bacterial vent, which had the side effect of making them sterile. Firesign, or Matt, and his wife both go insane, kill the single mothers of six babies, then abduct and kill the babies and use the parts of the multiple babies to make one corpse child for themselves. Jenny turns them over to the police [FON].
1986 - Jenny refuses Henry Bendix’s initial offer to join Stormwatch [FON].
1987 - 1997 - The High beings his vigil on a throne in the Rocky Mountains, working on how to change the world fundamentally [COD].
1996 - Jenny joins Stormwatch at the prompting of Henry Bendix on the condition that they tackle society’s underlying problems. Jenny tells Bendix she will kill him if he betrays that condition [FON].
1997 - The High wakes up, with a message for the world - "Think for yourself and question authority". He and his group plan to fight the fundamental evils that exist. His team is killed by a strike from the insane Henry Bendix. Bendix leaves Skywatch and Jenny Sparks swears that she will kill him as per her previous promise. The High attempts to destroy Skywatch in retaliation for his team’s death, unaware that Jenny is on board. Jenny raises the Storm Door and The High dies on impact with the forcefield [COD].
1999 - Aliens overrun Skywatch, killing most of Stormwatch. Skywatch is destroyed and Stormwatch is officially disbanded. That same day, Jenny Sparks finds and kills Henry Bendix and begins a new SPB group, with much the same goals as the deceased John Cumberland’s group. She forms and commands the Authority [FO]. Elijah Snow and Planetary find and rescue Dr. Axel Brass from his Adirondack base, where he has remained vigilant over the snowflake computer since 1945 [AOtW].
Jan. 1, 2000 - Jenny Sparks dies after electrocuting the brain of God. She is reborn in Singapore as Jenny Quantum [UNM]. The Engineer receives Jenny’s diary [JS].
Any comments or corrections?