Shirtless Dean Tutorial

May 14, 2007 23:55

* Someone asked how I made this icon and I decided to make a quick tut for them and everyone else.
* I use PSP9, but it's mostly likely translatable in all versions and PS, but I don't know for sure.

From this:
to this:

1) Crop

2) Color Balance layer: 20,0,-20

3) Curves layer: Input 50, Output 150; set to Soft Light

4) Brightness/Contrast Layer: 30,15; set to Normal

5) Merge all and sharpen

6) Duplicate base and set to Soft Light.

6a) In the Soft Light Layer, go to Enhance Photo and click Automatic Contrast Enhancement. Set the Bias to Darker, Strength to Normal, and Appearance to Bold.

6b) Also in the Soft Light Layer, go to Enhance Photo again and click Clarify and set the Strength to 5.

7) Overlay the texture and set to Soft Layer at 50%.

8) Merge all and you're done.

Let me know what y'all think about it!! Also if you have any questions, ask away!


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