Note: Most pictures are now in my facebook photo album here: 1
Adventures in Atlantis
I figured that instead of trying to remember everything once I get back, I’ll write a (hopefully short) daily entry about what went on. For those of you who plan to read it, I wish you luck.
So… today, Day One was a travel day.
Last night I spent the night at the house w/ everyone in Weston. They still had a lot of packing to get done when I got there, so I opened up my computer and worked on an essay for social work…yeah, really dorky huh? Well, I do that.
Anyway, here are the quick notes ‘bout today.
-woke up at 5:15
-had coffee, got dressed, made the trip to laguardia
-got inside and ate some food, sat around and waited for the plane.
-The plane left a lil late and we got into Miami and had time to kill before we got onto another plane. This one was tiny! There’s a picture of it, check out my photo album here.
-Anyway, then we got into the Bahamas and make it thru customs (yay being allowed in)
-Took a taxi about half an hour to Paradise Island. I have a few pictures from there as well. Check those out too!
-Checked into the Harborside (again, pictures) The suite is really cute. It’s actually the smaller one though (one bedroom) cuz they are going again in the summer and can stay in a 2 room suite)
-Changed and went to see Harry Potter:Goblet of Fire. Hehe, yes we did. Complimentary movies are pretty cool. And I got some nighttime pictures of the area.
-Then we came back around 9:40 and relaxed. Now, we’re watching The General’s Daughter.
So, I just have to say that this place is beautiful. Words cannot even explain it, so I won’t try. I just wish my pictures could capture the scent and the temperature and the breeze. If this doesn’t get rid of my stress, then nothing could. Of course, I miss everyone at home, especially since it’s joe’s birthday today! But, I’m going to enjoy this week, I can feel it. AAAND I had better have a tan.
Anyway, if you plan to continue reading, I apologize if its super long, but enjoy my Adventures in Atlantis!
Okay, going to keep this short, for those of you who are actually going to read it when I post…
So, it’s Sunday the 12th. We got up around 8:30…didn’t really get moving till 9:30 or so. It was nice to sleep in, but I think tomorrow we will be getting up a lil sooner. Who knows.
Went for a stroll through the village (see pictures) and found a starbucks! I thought of Rachel of course. Had her passion/black iced tea..yummm.
Then we strolled some more and I bought postcards that I sent out to a handful of people. Breakfast was at a place called Choosy Foods, it was yummy and I ate a lot. Although, I kinda wanted to try a real Bahamian (pronounced bah-haim-ee-en) breakfast and they were out of the bread stuff that it came with.
Anyway, then we came back to the room to change and we went to the beach. We took a taxi over to the Royal Towers and strolled a long way onto the beach. Here’s the good part, we got chairs and relaxed on the beach. My aunt/uncle bought me a pina colada. It was in a real coconut. They guy asked how strong I wanted it and I said medium… but I’ll tell ya, it had a shitload of rum in it! I drank it slowly b/c I did not feel like stumbling around the beach on my first full day here. Hehe. I kept the coconut, and we’re hoping to get the ‘meat’ out so I can keep the shell. OOH, they sell Rum Cakes here, and I really want to try one and/or bring one back… you all know how I love rum. Although, this stuff is different from my bacardi limon. Also, we saw lil pools where they kept baby sharks and turtles and fish and conch. I’m hoping to get my camera there another day this week, so keep an eye out for pictures.
Anyway, after the beach we came back and went to the pool here at the harborside. It was very comfortable as far as the temperature goes. I DEFINITELY realized when I got back and showered that I got some color. Very happy about that, except my chest got a lil red. It itches, but I’ll get over it and be back out there tomorrow. I have two or three different strap marks, so tomorrow I’ll be sporting a tube top. Watching a cute Jackie Chan movie now, and then passing out…. Who knows what tomorrow brings.
Again, just want to emphasize that the Bahamas really are paradise…its so relaxing. I still miss everyone, and I’m looking forward to filling you all in on the week. My aunt and I are going to have an adventure one of these nights and go crazy on “Miami Vices” (they are ½ pina colada ½ strawberry daquiri drinks… hehehe. Details to follow once that happens.
Okay, so I lied and I guess its not as short as I was hoping. Glad you’re interested though, I’ll be back to write tomorrow night!
March 13th in the ‘hamas.. was a good day.
Woke up to an annoying alarm going off outside the suite… no one was leaving so we didn’t leave either. Hehe. After breakfast Fallon and I went down to the pool. It was quite nice out. Richard was sick w/ sun poisoning from yesterday so he had to lie inside all day. He’s all better now though. After swimming a bit we went for a stroll through the village and got some ice cream. As we were walking we saw a boy pigeon trying to pick up a girl pigeon. :^) Then we went to a diner-type place called Murrays. It was good fun.
After that we returned and went to the pool again. While lounging I read some of Memoirs of a Geisha (p.s. I started reading it on the plane ride. Its great so far). Got a lil more red today… not cool! Cuz im pretty itchy.
It started to rain so we came back inside and showered and changed. Fallon and I walked down to send out my postcards, and on the walk back there was a group of like… 6 guys sitting on a balcony near the road. They whistled a bit, but they were incapable of making the full whistle sound. It was flattering, but also amusing. Just a little while ago she asked “if they whistle, are you supposed to whistle back”… I should keep track of these “fallon-isms” there were quite a few of them today.
Then we went to the Royal Towers to the Marketplace. It was a buffet style restaurant. I was quite pleased b/c there was sushi and I ate like… a six course meal.
We went and walked through The Dig which is a cool underground type walk. We saw lots of the aquarium. I got a good amount of pictures, but I cannot wait to take more during the daytime. Check Day 3 images! Then on the walk back we went through the village and left the boys. We walked through each of the stores in the village, and it was good fun. I bought a long sleeved gray tshirt. Its super exciting. It says “Time flies when you’re having rum.”
Let’s see, now its 10:30 and we’re back inside watching some TV before bed. I’m getting a lot of rest at night, but the sun takes a lot outta me during the day. I also hope this burn goes away… itching means its healing right? Let’s hope so.
The days go by fairly quickly actually… I wonder what we’re going to do tomorrow… hmmm
Day 4… nothing too crazy, and not so many pictures actually.
This morning we went over to the main area on the bus. Walked a ways and got a beach chair. We waited in line with tubes and went down this water slide thing that shot you through a tank full of sharks. It was reeeeally cool but scary too. Then we went down another water slide into the pool and then this thing called the challenger. Richard and I raced, and my aunt and Fallon raced. I didn’t win technically cuz of the timer thing they had, but Fallon said she saw me come out first. Then we gathered our things and went on a “lazy river.” It was fun, we got into a tube and just floated through a pool thing that was like a river. Didn’t have to do anything so it was relaxing.
My sunburn is not doing so well. I put Lidocaine cooling gel on it aalllll the time. I don’t think its getting any worse b/c I put lots of suntan lotion on and cover it when I tan, but having a burn on my chest sucks. I bet it will last the whole week… damn.
After water adventures we went to Murrays for lunch again. It was yummy… except I’m totally putting on like 15 pounds this week.. mainly because every meal costs upwards of $150 for the 5 of us so I feel like I need to eat as much as possible. After that we played some video games in the arcade. Lol
I drove a Supra and got 1st place so I won a free game. Then we strolled through the casino to find my uncle. We came across him winning $563… not too bad. Oh, backtrack, my aunt and I were looking in a jewelry store and I found a beautiful tanzanite and amethyst heart necklace I think my aunt told my uncle about it. When we go into Nassau to shop on Thursday or Friday I might be getting one, or something similar… holy shit! Lol. After we got back tonight we went down to the pool and swam for a bit in the darm.. .well they swam and I watched. It was really peaceful, too bad its so well lit around here that I can’t see many stars.
Anyway, I still have more postcards to buy and send out, and I want to buy a few shot glasses and a rum cake.
Tomorrow is looking to be an exciting day:
- horseback riding from 8-noon!!!! On the beach. I hope to bring my camera but im not sure if it will be a good idea.
- not sure whats going on during the day
- my aunt and I are going out to… somewhere. Maybe Senor Frogs over the bridge. Hopefully this actually happens and leads to some fun events. You’ll know w/ tomorrow entry I presume!
Bed time now, at 10 pm…. An early day tomorrow. G’night
So tonight wasn’t too eventful as I had expected, but it was a lot of fun.
This morning we went horseback riding… it’s funny how quickly you remember how to do things. However, it’s not fun how your body doesn’t remember the muscles it takes. I’m soooo sore! My lower butt and my back hurts like a mother. See the pictures!
Then we got back and made mac n cheese for lunch before going to this place called Earth and Fire. We picked out pottery and painted it. I’m really excited for mine. When I pick it up tomorrow I’ll get a picture and post it.
Then we came back and watched some HORRIBLE tv shows! Oh man… there was the one where the guy dates three girls mother’s.. then one where two parents pick new ppl for their kid to date cuz they hated his current girlfriend. Then we finally went for some dinner @ the Point. It’s the little food/bar near the pool area. Then walked to Jamba Juice to get smoothies and to Murray’s for soup for my uncle (he doesn’t feel well).
We watched White Chicks. Oh man, that movie made me laugh really hard. It’s funny, definitely worth watching it.
Tomorrow there are 6 cruise ships docking here so it will be very crowded. We’ll probably go to the water areas and The Dig so I can get daytime pictures. Tomorrow night is Miami Vice drinking night… or else! I can’t believe there are only three more nights of sleeping here. It’s been so peaceful I don’t want it to end… oh well, it’ll be good to see everyone again. hopefully we don’t get back super super late.
Anyway, off to bed now!
I’m pretty tired, so I’m not going to write too much. Today was okay. We definitely got woken up by screaming kids and their mom @ 5 in the morning! UGH
Then finally got up around 10 and headed to the pottery place so my aunt could finish hers. We’re picking them all up tomorrow. Then we went through the Dig again so I could get better pictures. We also talked to a guy about sharks and starfish for a while.
Then we headed back and found out the straw market wasn’t going to be open today but we went on the ferry across to Nassau. Did some shopping and….
Got our hair braided. Totally going to make fun of me for this one, but hey, I didn’t pay for it. Check out pictures or just find me.
Then we got back and changed and went to dinner. None of the buffet places have been that fantastic, but I’ve been eating like no one’s business (as I already explained). SO yeah, next month is fasting… for a while. I feel huge.
We were going to see harry potter tonight again, but after dinner we strolled a bit and then sat at the point and drank Miami Vice’s. After…. Three of them my aunt and I were quite giggly. Then we strolled the Marina again and came back for the night. I’ve been uploading pictures and charging my ipod. Only two more nights in Paradise…
It’s been fun, but I’m ready for my internet and my lover (miss you Stacie).
Anyway, bed time now. I think we’re going back to the straw market tomorrow morning. I still want to buy:
-shot glasses
-another shirt maybe
-a bowl/pipe thing (its so cute cuz it has a turtle on it)
-maybe a hat or visor
-I think that’s it! Hehe.
Okay, so in case you haven't heard the rest of the story... Friday we went to a junkanoo concert and my aunt and i shared a bottle of wine. we packed our suitcases and just watched that movie with Ashton and Bernie Mac.
Saturday we laid by the pool a bit and then got ready to go. First of all,the Harborside owed us a lunch and the Point was closed until 12:15 and our limo was supposed to come @ 12:30. so we got stuff a lil stand thing that the pool instead. Then we got in the limo and to the airport. We checked in and had to wait in a line forever to get thru the security check and them customs and finally got to the area to wait to board. Our plane was supposed to leave at 3:10. they pushed it back to 3:50. we finally boarded around then, and then found out that the Radar at nassau was going down and coming back up once in a while. and they were only letting planes come and go every three minutes. We had to wait for literally an hour and a half on the side of the runway. We TOOK OFF when we were supposed to be BOARDING our connecting flight in Miami. Needless to say, we didn't make that one. And so, we tried to get a flight around 8:30. unfortuantely it was already overbooked. I think there were at least 15 ppl hoping to get on that flight that were there waiting with us. No one did. Then we went to another area and hoped to get on an 11:50. Well, with all this waiting i got a lot of my book read. Anyway, DIDN'T get onto this one either. I was so angry at this point. I just really wanted to be home and see my sister and then crash at tonys. I was so tired and sore and a back massage would have been very nice. So, we ended up getting a ticket for a free room in a hotel but it was like 20 minutes away and it was already 1:15AM. so, we chose to sleep in the terminal. i didn't sleep at all actually, and my throat was killing me at 4:30 when we got up to go to Burger King for breakfast. Then got in line, went thru security and sat in the waiting area thing praying that the 6:30 flight would be able to take us. If it hadnt i probably would have killed myself. Luckily it did, and i got home a lil after noon. I hadn't sleep since i woke up at 9am saturday... so i napped a bit then gathered my things and came back to school.
Now, here i am and i have quite the insane month ahead of me.. blech.
i miss amanda.
at least i'll be home for championships next weekend.