ReLaY FoR LiFe PHoToS...

May 13, 2006 04:41

So here I am @ almost 5 a.m. posting up some of the pictures from..

So.. we had to haul 2 of these guys to our venue.. I decide it’s a good idea to help (me, a tiny little woman, when there are plenty of able bodied males around) and bring one of em over to where we need em, @ the beginning of the morning, before anything else. BAD MOVE! I was hurting that morning and Relay hadn’t even started. What a tard I am. =P

Here’s Mr. Dom (one of the sweetest guys you will EVER meet! I <3 this kid!) adjusting the stupid canopy thing I carried from the pool to the freakin Tower Lawn. *shakes head in disappointment*

Here’s me and my awesome team captains! I hope that next year I will be much better acquainted w/ the team captains than this year. This year I barely knew them by email address, haha.

Here’s more like it.. holding something light. Napkins! Hahaha.

Here we are.. the awesome survivors starting the walk.

The Breakfast Club.

She was from the Breakfast Club, and I totally loved the sign she had on it, (which is on a Cheerios box, BTW.. get it? BREAKFAST Club.. yah) she carried it around w/ her while she walked w/ her team. They walked a long ass shift too. =) Ppl like this get what Relay for Life is all about. =D

Nintendo Stars. These guys were heck of cute w/ their costumes!

Mario and Luigi.. hell of cute!

They made their own little Nintendo controllers and wore them around their necks, I thought it was adorable, haha. Their team won for “Best Team Theme”.

This girl did theatrical like face painting, she was AWESOME! I wanted to get my face done, but there was just not enough time. =(

Working hard on my signs. I made heck of of em! =)

Dom and Angel who were the Relay chairsppl.

Ron, our intern. Strangely enough, his last name is “Toledo” too. Ppl would get our emails and stuff and then @ meetings they would ask if we were related. Haha, I thought it was weird when I got his very first email.. I was like “New relative what?” Haha. =P

Matt and Ron. I had fun sitting around w/ these guys while we waited for ppl to come and register.

There’s me, having some of that cheesy fun, haha.

We had salsa dancing!! Yes!! =D This is me and my partner from class Chris.

Homie got like eleventeen times better and he knew how to lead me. It was kinda hot, to tell you the truth. Not him b/c I don’t see him that way hah, but the fact that he lead me to move however he wanted me to move. It was nice! =) Guys, seriously, it will not kill you to take a dance class once in your life. WOMEN DIG IT!

Tony (in the yellow shirt) and his friend.. I forget his name. Tony was our MC for the event. He just went up there and rambled on about whatever he pleased, it was heck of funny. He’s the biggest nerd, ever. In a good way! =)

Angel, Dom the pimp and I.

Maeley and I. This girl is hilarious, I <3 her, she’s another “me” kinda person, haha.

Vrinda, our luminaria chair, and Hans working on those luminarias. They did a good job!

Here is the luminaria path. We only had a few luminarias, but the ceremony was seriously my favorite part. I’m kind of sad no one has sent me pictures from it. =/

Me and Melissa after we went around selling glow sticks. That’s when I shook my ass around the track to the DJ music for over an hour. A.K.A the culprit for my sore knees. =P

So after all the dancing, or before (I forget, those 2 days are a blur in my mind) me and Melissa went to count the money we had turned in to that point. That’s when I spent about 2 hrs of my time counting $53 in change. $17 of which were straight pennies. All thanks to Gene and his damn piggy bank, haha. But yah, so we’re headed to the room to count the money and as we’re carrying the box (the wrong way, mind you) everything falls all over the ground. We were getting delirious @ that point, so it was hilarious and very much a Kodak moment.

Emily, Tony and I doing our “massage train” while we walked around the track during our time slots. It came in handy, we were all hurting, haha. Man, those were good times. We got all kinds of weird looks walking around that track massaging each other. =P (Don’t mind the stupid look on my face)

Angel looking heck of cute under her pink blanket, haha.

Here is our poker tournament table. There were like 3 games goin on around 2 a.m.

Ron the next morning. He was out. He denies it, but he was asleep and I know it, otherwise he would’ve woken up from me taking this picture. =P

The closing ceremony. I got up there and gave a speech since I effed up the prior night, haha. I felt totally comfortable in front of all those ppl, way to go Jenn! =)

There’s the committee! I love all these ppl! I made lots of good friends and they all rock the box to extreme lengths! =D

My punkin head who came to see me speak! =)

Relay was definitely one of the best times in my life. I can't wait until next year.. I can b/c it's a lot of work and stress, but I'm psyched for it to turn out to be 10x better than this year. =D I love being a part of this stuff! G'nyte.. well, I guess g'morning would be more appropriate. =)
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