hey well.....here's just a glimpse........please excuse the pimples....
that's my diploma...=D yay
me and norita
me and my sexiness, ms v.
me and joey...he's cool
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! ME AND MY DENNISSé!!!!........there's a tear in my right eye......................
me and arnold after i finished conducting the band...... -tear-
Mel E. and Cindy D.
me and mrs elizondo
me and my 2nd mommy!!!! AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! =D
ME AND PEACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's so prettyful!
me tying pilar's shoe before graduation.....lol...that was funny =D (mrs saenz took the picture.....she thought it was cute what i was doing O_O)
HARMONY!! 'nuff said
i was just messing around with the camera..... O_O
one more just playing around =D.....yay