retaliate! repost this entry in craigslist, livejournal communities for dallas, etc. sublease to the most undesirable person you can find. let them know that you object to the way they have treated you and don't be quiet about it.
Oh I want to grind my teeth thinking about recommending this place to anyone. Ohhhh and I have let them have a piece of my mind alright. Unfortunately I'll have to wait and give them the full blunt of anger later (because I'm still depending on them to find someone to fill my place). THEN they will hear obscenities
Check your origanl lease agreement. Usually on the standard form it says 30 days, if you do not have a copy ask to see the office's with your signature on it.
Oh, it's on the (9-page) contract alright. However, when one pays someone for service one expects them to be honest about certain important details. It IS a business, if they fuck up (or not), the customer gets the benefit of the doubt. assholes.
-I know, I told my mom after she asked when a proper move-out day was over the phone "Did you get that in writing?" "Oh, well I'm pretty sure they wouldn't LIE to us." -Good idea -Oh... I cannot totally let out my rage because I'm still depending on them to find someone to rent out my apartment and threatening them wouldn't be a good idea.
Comments 6
repost this entry in craigslist, livejournal communities for dallas, etc. sublease to the most undesirable person you can find. let them know that you object to the way they have treated you and don't be quiet about it.
at least that's what i would do...
Ohhhh and I have let them have a piece of my mind alright. Unfortunately I'll have to wait and give them the full blunt of anger later (because I'm still depending on them to find someone to fill my place). THEN they will hear obscenities
Secondly, call the Better Business Bureau
Thirdly, threaten them with a laywer, even if you don't have one, because they can't do anything else, right?
-Good idea
-Oh... I cannot totally let out my rage because I'm still depending on them to find someone to rent out my apartment and threatening them wouldn't be a good idea.
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