Online Classes

Mar 09, 2009 11:49

Right, either they all suck, or I'm just not meant to be taking them.

I've only had two my whole school careere, one last semester and one this. Last semester's history class was a huge joke. We started off with one proffesor who, after only a week, left the university all together. Instead of canceling the class they dumped it on another professor. At first he was involved and commented on the our posts in general each week (we had to read a chapter and do a summary each week, and then do a reply to one of the other summaries.) After that he pretty much disappeared. Most of us went ahead and did the posts as best as we could, but as the semester went on, and the syllabus talked about a map quiz, and a paper we all started to get worried. People were e-mailing the prof but there were no replies. We got to Thanksgiving and finally he posted saying he'd have grades for us all. The map quiz was cancelled and he'd have info on the final and paper. (mind you thanksgiving is only two weeks from final week) Well, again nothing till the week before. I did get an e-mail saying I had an A in the class. My sister got an email saying she had an A for assignments and a D for participation..... How the hell coulc she get a D when she posted everyweek, and that was the only participation there was??? 
So, we finally started to get email from the prof, and email from the dean of the history department. At least the school was aware of how sucky this class was. But for our final and paper, we had a five page research paper, and a five page essay test to have done by next friday.... >_>  I barely got it done, but my sister and I both ended up with A's. I'd be pissed if either of us had gotten anything lower than that.

Now I had decided to never take an online history class again. Not only because of that experience but just cause I don't like not havign the prof talking about stuff and giving little insites and stuff.

This semester I took a Math class. Now I am glad that I don't have to sit in class once a week and listen to this shit, but as it is, we took a chapter test last Wed. It is now Monday and we don't have any shceduled Homework listed yet. I would like to get started on it asap, but can't. There's no way to work ahead in the class either which sucks. Plus when doing the problems, sometimes they want you to use pi on the calculator and sometimes as 3.14.... now that goes into my issues with calculators in general which I won't go into.

What stinks more, is that when I was signing up for classes they had SO MANY online! I was turned off by this collage by that. It is kinda funny that they're trying to look like some big time university when it's really nothing more than a community collage. I feel bad for the students that are attending right out of highschool. Yes, they do have some good profs, but you may have one or two for your whole stay in your subject area. (unless you're in nursing, that subject area is a completely different story).

*sighs* I have a ton of reading to do, and yet I'm stuck checking my damn math homepage to see if any homeworks been put up. this sucks.
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