What is it about Brit first time space travellers and the urge to wander around in their dressing gowns?
There was much to love about this episode. The whole idea of UK plc in space and the Scots sodding off on their own. Liz10... ahh... Liz10 played by one of my favourite actresses. I want her to abdicate and go off with River Song and have gorgeous swashbuckling adventures. I loved Liz10, loved the idea of her and the whole cyclical nature of everyone choosing to 'forget' the sordid truth of their little space jaunt. The smilers weren't quite as scary as I thought they would be though those things in general give me the creeps. Favourite lines which may or may not get recycled into the Dr Who story of doom I've been writing for the last 18 bloody months... 'a long time ago tomorrow morning', 'this isn't going to be big on dignity' and 'I'm the bloody queen mate. Basically, I rule.'
On the whole, I'd give it a 7 out of 10. And the trailer for next week.... oh boy.