then there comes a point where everything is out of joy

Apr 04, 2005 16:29

i'm back from Emilyville!

i got on the bus and nervously nibbled ketchup chips until we arrived in The Land Of Many Car Dealerships, which is where the bus stop was. and who was there to meet me but Elfy and her mom! we went to the grocery store to get some food for the weekend. those two enjoy reading labels to find out where food comes from. hurrah! i thought i was the only one!

we went to Elfy's place in Emilyville next. after almond butter and pumpkin butter sandwiches (best sandwiches EVAR), we watched the season one dvd of making fiends. it was brilliant. kitty kitty kitty you are pretty pretty pretty red kitty kitty kitty i like you!

i got to meet her brother Keith's hedgehog. she snuffled a lot and licked my fingers. then we gave her a bath.

on Saturday morning, Elfy's dad was boiling sap, so the house was cozy warm and smelled like maple syrup. then Elfy made french toast...

...and i was sneaky and took a picture of her.

we went to her Mom and Deb's art opening. the art was amazing, and there were a bunch of musicians playing in the middle of a giant donut. i got to play a couple of songs in the donut at some point near the end.

afterwards, we went out for Mexican food, then meandered home to watch Hedwig.

on Sunday, we went into town and had a rainy sort of picnic in the park, but it had smooshy apple pitas and organic mango yogurt, so it was all good. the river was beautiful and overflowing.

we also frolicked among the playground equipment...

...and then went to the flea market.

we went home and had a brilliant supper of barbecue tofu before heading off to the hootenanny.

the hootenanny was brilliant. it had Luther Wright, Ball and Chain, Oh Susanna, Jenny Whitely, and a few other people whose names i don't recall. Jenny playing "Burning Of Atlanta" knocked me over, and the song is still poking at my heart as i type.

it was a jolly good time. alas, i rather foolishly left stuff at home in a big messy mess before i left, and now i'm kinda stressy about that, so i'm off to clean it up as best i can.

edit: photos removed till i get me some of my own webspace, coz the free one was maxed out in bandwith, yo.
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