Title: Porcelain Fists
cellochick92Pairing: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: M
Words: 20,178
Warning: Very triggery material. Deals with domestic violence and abuse of every kind.
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Summary: Faberry future fic in which Quinn and Rachel end up in NY (not together, unaware they're in the same city). Rachel is a successful Broadway star and recognizes Quinn in the audience of one of her shows...Quinn, on the other hand, is not so successful and is in the audience trying to escape the harsh reality of her life and pretend that everything's okay. Abused!Quinn, Protective!Rachel, and a good bit of angst....but there’s a happy ending!
A/N: Thank you so, so much to
mjacton and
ilovecsr for the betaing! Just fyi, I wrote the last 5 chapters this morning, and as such they are unbeta’d. So mistakes there are my own...sorry about those! Also, apologies in advance for the abrupt ending. It may get rewritten at some point, but I just didn't have time =P
A/N2: Thank you SO SO SO MUCH to
pisandofuerte for the art!!!! It’s amazing, and my mind is blown, and they are so unbelievably talented. Awesome, all around.
A/N3: Last one! Fic is from the Ingrid Michaelson song with the same name- listen below if interested. I would highly recommend it, it gives the fic a bit of a different dimension
Click to view
Okay. Finally. Here's links to the fic!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Epilogue