ahhh, brentwood, so full of it! and let us not forget the apparently WONDERFULL people that are exactly that, wonderful, friendly, hypocritical, malicious, people.
love you all, in the serious brentwood fashion of smiles, lies and backstabbings of course.
IF YOU READ THIS, even if we DO SPEAK OR DON'T SPEAK OFTEN, comment with one memory of me and you. it can be anything you want. GOOD OR BAD. just as long as it HAPPENED. THEN, post this on your Livejournal. see what other people remember about YOU
btw, my car = very fast, very fun, and semi manual hehehe
i'm not usually great at checking things, but i'm about to leave, plus i have nothing to do, so i'm into checking my site and my email ... but no one comments on either (save paul and shelby, i love you both)
lmao (the great thing is, i bet maybe five people at most know whether or not this actually bothers me)
it'll be dodgy between updates cause i don't have my own computer.
oh, but it's ok, cause i'm getting a car. W00t!!!! paul's coming soon. W00t! athena's a blast. W00t! happy b-day blair (yesterday, sorry the family stole you)