the reaon why I have been quiet..

Jun 10, 2007 18:56

I have been on a quiet streak with not wanting to post anything for awhile. I have a had a delay reaction about something that happened based on a post I made earlier this year about the war. Since then I had tried to covered my feelings with concerns about my dad and my Walk America for the March of Dimes. And since the walk is over with and my dad is making good progress with his Lymphoma, I have gone back to the very sad feelings I have. I have made several private posts about it that maybe I was hoping that it would give me some sort of relief, but it hasn't, so I felt I need to tell you all what is up.
Someone who I cared about and respected decided to unfriend because what I posted about the war. It was something I reposted and even though some of the words were harsh..I stand by the meaning of them. It is hard for me to explain my opinions sometimes on certain subjects and so if I read something I feel strongly about I will repost it in my journal. I want to claifiy what my postion is on the war in Iraq. Do I like war? not really..but I am 100% for the military and everything the do and are..including what they are trying to do in Iraq. I am greatful that we have a military who is willing to fight and die for the good of a country..I am upset that the majority of the Iraqi people aren't stepping up to fight the terrorist with our military.
There was something I read awhile back that I should've posted concerning the war..a lady posted a comment about the progress of the wart and said basically that if the whole world was in Iraqi fighting these terrorist that we wouldn't have a problem. But we have the countries with their own agendas ( I am talking about the goverment and not the whole country!) mainly the america haters and the Bush haters who love to watch America fail.
Now there are people out there who really and truely don't know what is going on in the world. They make blanket statements about being against the war, not because they disagree with it..but because they don't like Bush. I feel these certain people who mindlessly makes statements like this because of Bush of because there favorite movie stars are against the war, really shouldn't be televised making the statement..that is what the post was slated's okay if you don't like the war or Bush or America or anything else for that long it's your own reason..and not because the media, actors or entertainers said so.

And now back to my feelings..when I was unfriended by this person, I was hurt..big's not easy to be unfriended..especially someone who I cared about and deeply respected. I pretty much became a very lowly unworthy of friends, not worthy of anything really, mess. I quickly became afraid to post anything that with the thought I could be unfriended again. I kept this person on my list for awhile then decided to unfriend her because I didn't want a way one friendship and I couldn't keep anyone who didn't respect me or my opinions.
I still care and deeply respect this person, don't get me wrong, but I feel that I really can't have this type of friendship.
During my quiet time I have thought about alot of stuff concerning LJ and how and of I want to post. I have thought about quiting LJ altogether- the time I felt the most pain,- to not quiting but maybe just do private post or make my journal a Friends only. I have to do more thinking about that..althought I have seen some nice Friends Only banners in the different communities.
So there you have it.

Hopefully I will be able to post more.

unfriend, unworthy, quiet, war

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