absolutely you can stay as my lj friend!!! man we love the backstreet boys dont we?? sigh i cant wait for their new album..too bad you couldnt have been in orlando and went to there concert with me and the girl below this comment and another girl...soooooo much fun and great music!!!! and since you know how to spell douche bag you definately can stay as an lj friend!!!!
You should keep me as a friend because I'm not a douche and don't know how to use one. Also, we enjoyed BSB together and had such a lactational time. Pretty pretty please :)
oooh yes an unforgettable evening!!! girl i havent talked to you in forever!!! hwo have you been? my life has been hectic with roomies and all and i just changed my maor so im now working even harder with that!!! im no longer and education major....just pure math track...and i have been working overtime at my job to make money..sux pays the bills though!!! we must hang out again and have another lactating moment!!! haha
girl you can stay as my lj buddy and a friend!!! and yes i do love reading your posts..i just havent had time to comment on anyones lj!!! soooooo busy with changing my major and working overtime to make $$...ok girl ttyl!!!
I'd like to stay as your lj friend but I can't read friend's only posts. I might get to read them every month or so, but I'll end up missing most all your posts. :(
the computer that I use will only let me sign into lj for long enough to post, and then it signs me back out and it makes me all GARG! I'll try to keep up with your posts though so we can eee about the Boys and such :)
Comments 41
lol, jk. You're a Backstreet fan, I'm a Backstreet fan, and we don't annoy each other. I think those are good reasons to keep me as a friend. ;-)
im jk you dont have to keep me if you dont want to. no hard feelings i know how it is when you have a lot of posts to read through and shit.
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