Firstly all comments are screened now, since someone decided to think it was amusing to post some nasty comments on the cat post and the graffiti wall.. all anonymous. What happened,between Raven and I, happened and that's not what I'm posting about
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Comments 3
To whoever decided that not only would they take a shot at someone who they *know* is struggling with self worth issues, but decided they would also do it without having the courage to sign their name to it.
1. You're a coward and a bully.
2. If you're following a pagan path - which given the link with Raven is likely - go have a long hard think about personal responsibility.
3. Nobody is perfect - we all struggle, that's life. Some of us fuck up time and time again, we're petty, mean, vicious, callous, unreasonable and just generally capable of all it means to be human.
Knowing this, we decide which way to go. The way you've chosen, whoever you are, is detrimental to all of us who strive to break the cycles of hurt and pain.
Isn't it time you got out of the playground and tried being an adult?
Chin up, hon!!
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