Monday I woke up around one and then had some cereal before i started picking up in my room. (it's still somewhat messy but there is now some order to the messiness) Surprising after that i still had some time before i was going to be getting picked up by my friend,Genny, at 4:30, so i decided to catch up on looking at the college letters/brochures i had been sent. I then started looking at websites online, checking out certain things about some of the colleges i'm interested in...Rice still seems to be my number one choice but i'm still checking out the colleges that appeal to me so we will just have to wait and see on that. Doing all that looking/reading got me thinking about the future again and what i want to be or at least what really intrigues me...still not sure on that one but i'm trying to figure it out. If i figure anything out i will be sure to let you know. It was kind of funny though because when Genny picked my up, her brothers were in the car and Geffeory,her soon to freshman brother, was talking about how he was researching what he wants to be in this special program he's in for the summer. So for the ride over to Genny's house we were all talking about future plans. (coincidence, huh?) anyway...I was going over to Genny's house because a Mary Kay lady that knows her mom wanted to come over to show some of her things and Genny invited me to come over. well the lady was supposed to come over at 6 so that is why Genny picked me up after her summer school at 4:30...the lady ended up getting really lost like twice and so just went home but without telling us,so when Genny's mom finally got a hold of her she explained that after she got lost the first time she tried a second time but went even farther and so she just decided to go home. So the lady never showed up but it all turned out ok because they had ordered pizza and so we watched "Honey" and ate pizza...and the movie was good not even bad or "inappropriate" in the mannerisms!! but oh well. After the movie, Genny and i were able to catch up about a lot of things, which was really nice. We ended up going to sleep around 1 but i could really sleep and then when i did it was pretty light so i heard/saw the thunder and lightning.