I Dr. Andrej Koscuisko am. I understand you run AE Labs. I have had a project come to my attention that we may well wish to work together on. I can be reached at the clinic.
Chairman, my name is Mohinder Suresh. I was informed that you run A&E Labs. I was wondering if you have any open positions. I can be contacted at 555-SRSH. Thank you.
OOC--Was contacted by Koscuisko-mun about the possibility of having Wesker under inquiry. Tyr is genetically advanced through breeding and would smell that Wesker is 'off'. Would Tyr have a problem transporting the man? I don't know his canon at all. We do know that John McClane has not, in fact, fought anyone tougher than Tyr no matter what he thinks.
Not sure what we're waiting for on the green light--okay from Dent-mun perhaps.
That's a good question. I think it might be easier if Wesker was somehow ambushed. Like, surprised and tasered so that when he woke up he was already restrained (and really well, normal rope won't do it).
Wesker's mutated on the same lines of Alice (though his was self-inflected) so he has super strength and speed and some telekinetic ability.
Comments 6
Not sure what we're waiting for on the green light--okay from Dent-mun perhaps.
Wesker's mutated on the same lines of Alice (though his was self-inflected) so he has super strength and speed and some telekinetic ability.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2jzDAVDoV0 <-- is an idea of what he's capable of (to a more theatrical degree)
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