Title: Better Characters: Yesung / Shindong Genre: Really sappy Rating: G Length: One-shot Theme: Different Summary: Sometimes, it’s through being different that we truly fit in.
Once again, don't get excited. Just me.astormisbrewingMay 26 2010, 06:15:12 UTC
It was sweet! And cute. And, well, between you and me, we know creepers. And a creeper, Yesung is not. On the creeper scale Yesung makes fully normal because any creepiness is balanced out by how epic he is.
Sigh. I have to do mine now. I feel so behind the times. Geh, it's been a while since I wrote anything short and sweet and to the point like this. I feel fail.
Oh, and how can I forget? hehehehehehehehehehe . . . sperm . . . hehehehehehe
Comments 14
Sigh. I have to do mine now. I feel so behind the times. Geh, it's been a while since I wrote anything short and sweet and to the point like this. I feel fail.
Oh, and how can I forget? hehehehehehehehehehe . . . sperm . . . hehehehehehe
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